I just got an e-mail from Gordon aka Uallasbrus, he informs me that "Burberry" in McArthur Glen are selling them and Balmorals for £12, much cheapness.
A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!
If you don’t go to church some people think that you wont go to heaven and wont be allowed to wear your Glengarry. It isn’t true. God only said this to make the bad people in the bible scared because they were raping and pillaging everywhere and pinching marbles. What god really wants is for everyone to be nice to each other, like Mother Theresa and Santa, but not like Osama Bin Laden. If somebody pinches your Glengarry you can bite them and lie on them until they are unconscious, but you can’t kill them or have an affair with them or lie to them or swear at them because Moses will get you. The star that the three wise men followed was a star and not a spaceship moving across the heavens because TV had not been invented then, or aeroplanes even. It doesn’t say you can’t smear yourself with marmite in the bible, and there is no ban on arm flapping or making pretend roads out of clothes pegs, but you will be punished if you spit at the buses.
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man