Was at Ikea in Edinburgh on Sunday buying some Black and Amber material. Whilst at the till I noticed a well kept stock of Pear Cider at £1.50 a can. The price seemed a wee bit steep, but thought "F*ck it I'll treat myself", and bought 24 cans. Now, to my dissapointment, Ikea Edinburgh never had any black material left but did inform me that Ikea in Glasgow did, so I popped through there and bought some material. Whilst at the till in Glasgow I noticed another well kept stock of Pear Cider but at only 83p a can!!!
I politely askes the guy at the till "How the f*ck is the very same cider double the f*cking price in Edinburgh!!!" expecting to be reimbursed the difference, but no, to my surprise he told me that this is because Edinburgh is a Franchise Ikea store and Glasgow is a proper Ikea store. Edinburgh can set prices at whatever they want to.
So next time you're feeling manly and want a case of Pear Cider:
24 cans from Edinburgh is £36 24 cans from Glasgow is £20
So next time you're feeling manly and want a case of Pear Cider:
24 cans from Edinburgh is £36 24 cans from Glasgow is £20
you have been warned........
You're all puffs! My friend Rita Petraityt from deepest Lietuva thinks you're all women drinking Pear Cider. No self respecting man in her homeland would go near it! It's akin to McCrum wandering into HQ and drinking red wine all night! Hmmm, wait a minute.....
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man