Me, Harty & one of my mates a booking up for a week to Benidorm. Harty's looking for a bloke to come with us, so he's not left with two women all week!
If you're interested let either me or Harty know by Monday as we wanna get booked up.
If it has testicles or tyres it's gonna give you trouble!
quote: Originally posted by: GNASHER "i am in. me and harty=pulling machine, lets hit it i dont have your address so leave a message and i will book up thanks "
The only things you pair can pull is a certain part of your anatomy, even then Harty's is still in pain after Oslo
All STC forms and cheques to Vicey today or tomorrow if we all want to sit together at the Levante Stadium. Ticket prices ar enot known yet but give Vicey £30 and you'll get any refund back.