Listen annoying mouse nobbody gives a **** about your team getting put out or how you think you were robbed. Away and scurry back under your England flag.Get it right up yeh ket us know who you are so we can give you some real stick
Why nae ye f**k aff then.By the way dae me a favour man whit is your name? And also noticed that ye dinnae hae picture. Maybeis that because yer's big heid dinnae fit onoor monitors.
I think your the one who is the Geordie.Hideing behind your black and white cloak.If you dont like the abuse your getting annoying mouse go and visit some English web site and register under who you realy are .p.s it is more likley you are a mackem going by your inteligence level.
And what will you be? One of these Scotsmen who is patriotic once every 2 years, but the rest of the time prefer to either wave the British flag or Irish flag. Will that be you?
Listen here annoying mouse I would not wipe my ass with any of the flags you mentioned . I am a patriotic Scotsman 24/7.Thats why I have regiesterd with a Scottish web site ,why dont you do the same with an English one or are you realy Scottish ? and one of these wanabe England supporters who only are seen in Scotland when the euro championship/world cup is on? I am Scottish and proud of it and dont need to hide behind a cloak.As the most successfull manager in England says Iam pwowd very very pwowd.
I'm only going to be here for a little while - whilst the tournment is on and all the autopsys have been carried out. ****ing youse lot are git tetchy - can't take banter; your so used to giving it out that you've forgotten how to take it.
The Sassanachs can fight back you know?
I was on last tournument - 2002. And I'll be back in 2006 - and hopefully, and I mean this, Scotland and England will both be there. Much better when both rivals are there.
Welcome SHP and the rest of you a wee bit of respect. At least he's brave enough to register for some "banter" keep it that way instead of some of the abuse that I've seen. I think I'm right in saying if you do that SHP will be happy to stay otherwise who are you going to have banter with?
If it's abuse you want Webmaster how pished were you on Sunday, Gnasher can you mind getting hame on Sunday and Zico yer a bawbag!