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Post Info TOPIC: Italy at home

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Italy at home

Bus will leave HQ at around 1 p.m. for Hampden (to be confirmed by The Captain). Note it is a 5 p.m. kick off and we are going for pre-match beers in Motherwell. This will probably mean an extra £1 fare to cover the additional time the bus is out of service. The pub we are going to has live music and the beer is much cheapness. Straight back after the game to HQ for Karaoke party night.

A notice for names will be on TSTA noticeboard tonight and names by 15/07/05 if you want a ticket via the club.  Tickets for this match are £25, or less for family section.




It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's

Hamden Hall of Fame

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Posts: 279

why 1? i thought we were going through there for opening time to get fired into it.  

i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Fanny just the f**k up.

Freeeeeedom!! ( Still nae ban yet?)

Hamden Hall of Fame

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Posts: 279

Its just a question! can we not leave the tap shop for one day? people that i spoke to said that we were going through early doars. and that was even before the committy said the bus would stop there.

i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.

And you thought that guy in Prague could stir!!

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Posts: 667

Credit Card wrote:

Bus will leave HQ at around 1 p.m. for Hampden (to be confirmed by The Captain). Note it is a 5 p.m. kick off and we are going for pre-match beers in Motherwell. This will probably mean an extra £1 fare to cover the additional time the bus is out of service. The pub we are going to has live music and the beer is much cheapness. Straight back after the game to HQ for Karaoke party night. A notice for names will be on TSTA noticeboard tonight and names by 15/07/05 if you want a ticket via the club.  Tickets for this match are £25, or less for family section. Cheers   Stevie

On your email you wrote that members can pay for their ticket on the bus. Is this correct?


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

As long as they put their name on the list. If they don't go they will still have to pay obviously. 1 p.m. Gnasher we have kids travelling with us hence leaving then. Go to TSTA HQ if you want a beer at 11.00 soupy

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's


IT'S ME ZICO! CANT LOGIN TO THE FORUM,ANYWAY? what are we doing here going for a few beers or going for a few minutes? The only kid /soup drinker wee have to bother about is you credit card ? remind me again cos ive forgot,how many people in the history o the tap shop going to games and having a swally have fell asleep on the bus and not made ittoo the game once you wake up and smell the coffee let me know.ZICO



oh right. so we are now having to get pissed before we get on the bus because we are running a responsible bus with a couple of kids on board. i thought the whole idea was to have a change and make a day of it. if we are going to be in hq for that long what is the point of going to Motherwell.

 i think that we are leaving to late, and i think that if you put it to the MEMBERS OF THE TAPSHOP TA i am sure the vast majority would agree.

if you are worried about missing another big vital game stevie i am sure some of the boys will keep an eye on you.



TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

Zico ya bawbag there are more members than the half dozen that bother to post here to think about. (I take it you do realise it's a 5.30 kick off?)  They all pay their memberships too.  Leave at 1.00 arrive M'well 1.30 leave @ 4.30 = 3 hours @ 20mins a pint = 9 pints. Is that not enough for social drinkers which make up the majority of members? Piss artists have another 2.5 hours at HQ should they choose to do so. Also how many members have been to this pub before to check it out, it might be sh*te? You can always take the service bus? Want to join the committee Zico?

Leave @ 11.00:

some people working in morning,

kids won't sit that long in a pub,

have to get up early,

members live outside Mid Calder have to travel there first

Beer in Motherwell pub might not be as good as HQ

More chance of people missing the game too pished

have to buy lunch through there, some members bring two kids with them the tickets are dear enough without buying 3 bar lunches etc. etc.

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 891

I want to stay in the Tap Shop. Travel all the way from Ireland and I can't have an afternoon in my old local.......................

Think it's a good compromise, keeps Stevie sober after all!

Barry George is an innocent man
Sean Hodgson is an innocent man

Hamden Hall of Fame

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that was me not zico.

i take your point stevie. all of them semed to be glazed over when the ferry was the place to go. i can remember being in there on our own for about 30 miniutes before any oher people turned up.


some people working in morning,

We all seemed to manage it after the bbq's on a sunday and trips to other home games. i.e. aberdeen on a wednesday night where we stopped half way up for a swally.

kids won't sit that long in a pub,

parental dicipline is what is needed here 

have to get up early,

calm down stevie. i thought it was only 30 miniutes along the road.

members live outside Mid Calder have to travel there first

i think they all know the way but i will get big craig to put a map on the site for them. there will even be the pink high lighter pen marks for them to follow.

Beer in Motherwell pub might not be as good as HQ

zico has been there. cheep and is not bad. a bottle of miller is a bottle of miller.

More chance of people missing the game too pished

i promise that no one will make you drink beer stevie. there will not be a repeat of the time you good enough to keep an eye on the bus for us when we were at the game.

i am not trying to cause problems here but i am surprised that this appears to have been decided by a couple of the committee when alot of the members that i have talked to had different ideas about how the day would go. 


i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.


ZICO AGAIN, Stevie there was not as many obstacles and as much deliberation put in to previous decisions that have been made before going to the three trips we made to the ferry, where trying to get served was like trying to get a decent pass from you at the fives and when you did get served it was like your football skills priceless.Not very much cheapness in that bar £50 for a £9.99 slab of warm beer.Anyway I dont think the pub we are going to is going to go to a lot of effort if we are only going to drop in for a flying visit.Also the kids that are going who apart from you are they? what l am getting at is its not as if wee are taking babies that are still in there nappies, on the lunch point there is a McDonalds and as far as I know they still do happy meals .Finnaly when did you ever manage to drink 3 pints in an hour.ZICO


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

Dry yer peepers the pair o' ye or join the committee

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

Zico the TSTA exists to follow Scotland not to inflate the coffers of Lanarkshire boozers, althought this time we are more than happy to help out!

Three hours is not a flying visit and given a normal drinking pace it is perfectly possible to consume a week's safety threshold for alcohol intake (21 units or 10.5 pints!) If you really need more that that you won't remember the game, or perhaps not even end up going. Trust me I've learned my lesson and I know of plenty others.

If you think its big or clever to get totally pished then as I said you could drink like a fish in HQ beforehand, or if cost is a factor just drink in the hoose. Turning now to the ferry, we went there because the majority of members fancied somewhere with entertainment. It was also ideal for networking with other TA clubs which has helped us plan other trips and example meeting up with Battlebus he later arranged visas for Minsk for us (this was a huge help as anyone who went will tell you). The profit from the ferry tickets went to charity (The TA Sunshine Appeal) we don't do much on that front so it was nice to lend a little support. The beer profit went to the ferry and when the majority of members complained we stopped going. 

Around 10% of the bus are kids, so we do need to bear this in mind. A sfor the travel to HQ, the Aitkens are 3 members from Edinburgh who have never missed a game with us and brought along 3 guests to the last match, so we need to pitch a leaving time with them in mind too. Gnasher the Aberdeen game - we were only in the pub for 2 hours!

If you were working on the Saturday morning and couldn't get time off I wonder what YOU would say if we left early without you to get pished? If we left at 11 and the bus was half full would you be prepared to stump up the missing £125?

Gnasher's right a Miller is a Miller so if you want more then you know what to do. Have you contacted this pub yet? What extra are they going to do for us? Nobody is expecting anything anyway so it doesn't matter but it would be good to know.

Sorry Zico but the whole point of having a committee is to look after all the members not just some of them. There's a wee theme here of selfishness creeping in? Did you go with the club to Germany, no you made your own arrangements, did you stay in the same hotel in Milan? No. A committee exists to look after everyone's interests and that's what I, Captain, Vicey, The Chieftain and The Webmaster do at all times in our own time and our own cost. So take in a look in the mirror rather than taking a pop at us!

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's


well said stevie


Zico dry yer fecking eyes or make yer own way to the game.


Gnasher dry yer eyes too and buy me a new top!!!!!


Lividihard (canny be bothered logging on at me work!)


Hamden Hall of Fame

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Posts: 279

FERRY FANNY, RAM IT YA POOF!!! we could always go with your pals from down by the water.

no one is taking "a pop" at you stevie. it is a forum to discuss points. thats all that is happening here.

-- Edited by GNASHER at 20:33, 2005-07-17

i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.


day one gnasher ya baw bag

Where's ma top

I dinae want to go with the fuds from down my way, cause they are all soup drinkers


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 891

Every pomegranate deserves a voice.

Barry George is an innocent man
Sean Hodgson is an innocent man

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The Bus is leaving then Because I said so!

A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!

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Just when I thought the Captian of the ship made the rules


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

Zico never mind The Captain he's lying oished in Turkey, what about his footsoldiers? have you checked out the pub in Motherwell yet? What are the details? Name would be a good feckin' start? Food yes/no, Kids welcome yes/no, Beer brewery shop/freehouse, stabiliser availability etc etc.  Estimated time from Hampden etc. etc.

We need to get this tied up in the next fortnight or else we will look at other venues.

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's

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Now for some reasonable comment regarding the Italy game.......

 If there are enough people wanting to go to the pub in Motherwel for opening time, why dont you arrange either a bike, a tandem, a lift, a taxi, a 7 seater taxi, a mini bus, or bus to take you one way? Then when we come through you can carry on your merry journey with the rest of us.


A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!

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some people working in morning,

We all seemed to manage it after the bbq's on a sunday and trips to other home games. i.e. aberdeen on a wednesday night where we stopped half way up for a swally.

 Gnasher, I think that Steve meant that some people work on a Saturday morning!!!! I dont think he was referring to the day after the match.

A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!

Hamden Hall of Fame

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Posts: 279

The Vice Captain wrote:

 a 7 seater taxi, a mini bus, or bus to take you one way? Then when we come through you can carry on your merry journey with the rest of us. Vicey.


a good idea that has already been discussed amoungst the rebels. thank you for having a more understanding view compaired to your bald midget of a pal CC.

i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

Vicey stop being a poncey namby pamby Liberal. Gnasher, nobody's stopping you doing just that....but...As a loyal member of our club, not just one of the committee, I say unto you in a Bratislavan Get It Right Up Ye Type Of Accent!....

If drink is so important that you need to leave that early then that's your (or your liver's) choice, as is it your choice to to say fcuk the rest of you we'll do it our way because we are more important and elitist than any of our pals, their pals, or relations/kids.

While yer at it fancy invading Poland?  You'll not be going back to TSTA HQ afterwards then as all that Lanarkshire soup will put you to sleep in your Kennel!

Zico on a serious note, we still need the official thumbs up for the pub re earlier questions?

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's

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My god, what is all this bo||ocks? Anybody want to stop off at fort glasgow and do a bit of shopping?  you're all carrying on like a bunch of split @rses.. ooh what top will I wear?


Biggest loadapish.. what happened to the days when we got a bus straight to the game? Less agro more fun.


-- Edited by Ross at 18:07, 2005-08-06

Me and Phil found him ..and he's no as big as he looks on telly!

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 891

Thesolonika is not so warm in the winter sun.

Barry George is an innocent man
Sean Hodgson is an innocent man

And you thought that guy in Prague could stir!!

Status: Offline
Posts: 667

Ross wrote:

........Anybody want to stop off at fort glasgow and do a bit of shopping? ....... 

And what the fcuk is wrong with McArther Glen.
Oh aye.....let's do what Ross wants all the time. I reckon if we go to McArther Glen then those who have recently been on a shopping spree can go into Chicago Rock and down 187 pints of beer instead.



TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 513

I think I'll go in the Wemaster's new motor

It is not my round it has got to be Vicey's

And you thought that guy in Prague could stir!!

Status: Offline
Posts: 667

Credit Card wrote:

I think I'll go in the Wemaster's new motor

It will be £7 a head and there will be no drinking as we will be abiding by the Scottish Drinking Laws.
And the usual Kitty for the driver will be much appreciated.........


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 829

Whit aboot eating yer in car?

-- Edited by Gazza at 22:38, 2005-08-10

Freeeeeedom!! ( Still nae ban yet?)

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 829

Come on SCOTLAND gie us a f**king win the day!!......


Freeeeeedom!! ( Still nae ban yet?)
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