With the Italia game being put back a couple of hours on a Saturday to a 5.30K.O what should we do with those precious extra drinking hours the SFA have granted us? - After all we dont want to remember this one, probably?!
The guy who works beside me from Motherwell and a his mates, who several people from the tap shop have met ie:Italy, tap shop etc. Is throwing out an invite for the Tap shop lads/lassies to go through to their local on the day of the Italy game.Plan is to arrive @ about 11:30 - 12:00 for a pre match karaoke/ refreshment/nose bag .The pub they go to is The Jack Daniells Bar in Motherwell.If the troops are up for it let me know and we will get things in mottion. Stevie
Subjec to Craig Boyle agreeing too the committee agree that we will go through to somewhere rather than hang around HQ. Zico's suggestion sounds fine we may have to pay mor efor the bus if we leave early but it will only be about a pound extra. Captain is in negotiations with the bus company.