Ive just got the new Mac Mini and I have to say as smart and cool as it is, theyve given me hardley any software that with it.
If any of you guys have a mac out there and have any of the following - Illustrator, Photoshop, flash, dreamweaver or even microsoft word - would it be possible for me to get a copy coz i cant afford the £1000 it would cost to buy them!!!
I know someone with a mini. But all he can help you out with is a spoiler and a set of alloys......
Seriously though Dress Sense. There is lots of gear available from the usual places. Just add the word "mac" or "mac os" to your searches.......and be very patient. I have all the software you mentioned and it didn't cost me £1000. All it costs me is £19 a month via telewest
PS. Excellent peice of gear you've got there mate.
Remember that the very cheap ones are only to be used as a back up copy for your original.. You can also go to Ingliston and buy the lot for about £40 about £8 each.
One of my mates is downlading it from cazza for me though he says it will take him a few days. He's goana burn it on to dvd disc for me. Also got to wait for a new modem to come so i can get connected to the web. Once ive got it up and running - world domination here I come!
P.s went to the drovers the other day again - smashing wee meal! - again.