Too close to Slovenia natashalover. Back at square one with holidays as well now. Not as many floating days but a Mon or Fri off every two months with public hols here!! Only been asked once if i'm in the army!
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
thanks mate, av only just recovered emotionally over that gorgeous tart tasha seen as she hasnt been in touch since copenhagen!!!! anyway shes chucked,its her loss,bitch craigy boy, do u have any fotos of the bar staff in meelan?? to replace that bint on my avator??? even fabio will do......hell wot about annie yule..... im desperate just call me dan
gazza, myself and a couple o gadgies frae work are thinkin of goin. are u in hq over the weekend ? just to find out wot digs n sh*t uve got booked have got to see willie findlay about hiring out his franz klammer gear he has on loan from some poor,single mother,debt ridden,just tryin to make a livin stall holder!!!!
Twinkletoes mind it's a fiver a pint and a tenner for a burger....that's £200 a day for you son you'll have to sell your body more that 100 times to get that ma son!
so its tap shop prices then? dont worry stevie al get a job doin some bouncin in some seedy sauna! stevie got a hot tip for you,stick 20 euros on ian murray first goal scorer! hes on fire. glory glory to greens this weekend