I would echo everything on here already. Who could forget Stuart and the photoshoot of the new flag in Paris? Davy and Natalie our hearts go out to you.
We will never forget our wee short straw (stuart), as sad as it is lets just celebrate that young mans life and the effect he had on everybody he met, he was so happy living in Manchester with Becky and all our thoughts and prayer's are with Dave, Natalie, Michael, & Richard,we loved him so much, RIP stewy.
I met young Stuart in 1997 so he could not have been but 11 or so. I fell instantly, madly in love with him and wanted to take him back to the States with me. I knew then that he was a precious, beautiful boy with a huge heart. I am sending my love and prayers to all of the family. I cannot imagine your loss. My heart is with all of you. I know you were, and will continue to be blessed by Stuart. Peace be with you.
Stuart was the son of my Best Friend,and therefore one of my best friends also . Laura and I have been on many TSTA occasions with David ,Natalie,and Stuart and we will never forget him.
Our Thoughts are with David and Natalie ,Michael and Richard at this time, We shall always be there for them. Arthur & Laura McCready.
i would just like to say how sad we all are to hear of your loss. The words "lovely guy" have been said alot over the last few days. i know you both will be very proud of Stuart.
Our thoughts are with you all at this time.
Dennis, Andrew and Neil.
i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.
There was no one quite like Stuart and I dont think there could possibly ever be anyone lilke him. A genuine character. Not seen him in a while because he was living in Manchester but you always knew when he was about!
Thoughts are with the Cutlers, in this time of loss of their son, brother and freind.
Stuart was a big cousin with a big heart always with a joke. It was such a big shock to us all :( I am so glad he was able to visit at Christmas and we had great fun playing Mario on the Wii.He was more than a cousin he was a friend.I will never forget him my big cousin stuy hope gran & grandad Min are looking after you
hugs and kisses auntie natalie uncle dave richard and michael xx from Josh.
I write this in disbelief. I received the sad news from my wee bro (Vicey) on Saturday lunchtime. It was so unbelievable that I had to ask him to repeat it. I have known The Cutlers as neighbours and family friends for several years sharing many a day / evening either at a barbeque, the Tap Shop or at various Tartan Army trips. What makes it harder is Natalie and Dave have brought up laddies who are a credit to them and this world, Stuart will be sorely missed. To lose a son / brother, especially so young, is cruel. My thoughts are with you all. My fondest memory of Stuart was at a birthday party for Diesel Dave (60th or 65th?) in West Calder. During the buffet break Stuart asked the lead guitarist of a 4 piece band, who were about 60ish, if he could play one number. Although they had never heard the title before they agreed with members of the band saying to Stuart you start and we will follow. I dont know who were shocked more, the band or us, when he started playing Nirvana! Play on Stuart, God bless.................
To Dave Natalie Michael Richard and all the family , Just to say what a beautiful service and tribute to Stuart's life yesterday.We were both deeply touched by Stuart's all too sudden death but he will stay in our hearts and mind forever. Take care. All our love . Big Stuff and Maggie. X