THE Auld Enemy clash has been resurrected and will take place again this season. All our heroes of the past are set to take part in an All Stars game at East End Park (lego land) Dunfermline, Thursday, April 15 at 7.30 pm. Scottish stars Andy Goram, John Collins and Ian Durrant etc will face E**lish has-beens such as Mark Hateley, Chris Waddle and Peter Beardsley. Scotland will be managed by Jim Leishman (phanny) and Record Sport columnist Hateley (also phanny) has a player manager role for England.
Tickets go on sale from February 14, with some of the money raised going towards Dunfermline's youth academy (mmmmmmmm....that changes a few things)
I only posted the article in case someone would be intersesed in going. I myself won't be going.
Part of me thinks this is a money raiser to assist Dunfermline's Tractor Boys from delaying the Administrators knocking on the door. Jim Leishman's a phucking jinx.
PS. Gnasher. Did you notice that your avator on the TAMB board is sorted. I also used your username and password to post some real wind-ups on other TAMB members......seemingly there are loads ready to do you in.