Thnk we should get our hotel money to CC as quickas is humanly possible to avoid any possible tricks from their end as they realise 1 million want to go there.
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
Brilliant, that whit we hae been all waiting for andcannae wait for Milan in Marchand Scotland f**ks the b**tard with a 2-1 win at San Siro stadium!!..
Me and my other half are off to Milan today on a scouting mission. Unfortunately, I didn't realise that Prestwick Airport was nearer to America than it is to Livi. Damn RyanScare. Unlike Severed Heed though, I am leaving a couple of hours prior to the flight.......not 45 mins before
The Webmaster sent me a text message yesterday and he finally has announced the venue of his wedding only a day after the Italian FA. It is all confirmed.
quote: Originally posted by: Credit Card "The Webmaster sent me a text message yesterday and he finally has announced the venue of his wedding only a day after the Italian FA. It is all confirmed."
Slower than the Italian FA......that's pish apologise
Anyway. I have a venue and equally as important, you lot have somewhere for a bevvy on Friday night. Trust me, this is a major result as there are only about 5 pubs in the WHOLE OF MILAN (I kid you not) and after 24hrs of some serious hunting, I managed to find ONE!! I have booked half the pub, it's in the centre of Milan and I have been given a strict allocation of 60 guests.
I will post up all the info in the members section (password protected) shortly. Some interesing facts I observed.
Milan is expensive. Drink, Taxis, Food etc....
Italians do not drink alcohol they prefer to drink coffee (gallons of it).
Italians do not eat breakfast, they prefer to eat pastry (huners of it).
Italians have 150 kinds of coffee yet only one make of beer????
Italians can make one pint of beer last three and a half hours (this explains why there are only 5 pubs)
Italians second language is not English. Bring a phrase book.
Italians drive crazier than the French. Do not hire a car. Hire an ambulance.
Zebra crossings are not Zebra crossings. They are mearly fancy patterns on the road. Be warned.
London was 8 degrees. Rome was 9 degrees........Milan was -1 ??????
Milan is freezing. Same as Scotland but no wind or rain.
There are more mens clothes shops than womens clothes shops (true)
Milan clothes shops are the dogs baws. (bring the visa cards girls)
The Duomo Cathedrel is the scariest building in the World. But smart as fcuk.
You are allowed animals in all shops. (I saw dogs, cats and a fcuking tortoise in MacDonalds)
You are not allowed to smoke in Pubs, Cafes etc.... All public places are watched heavily by the police for people smoking. (introduced 2 weeks ago) You can bring in a smelly skunk, a lion or an elephant, but don't dare light up, it's unhygienic.
Italians lock up their children untill they reach teenage years. Either that or they ship them off to January Camps. I never saw anyone under the age of 16????
But all in all, I can't wait to get back. Roll on March.
Thanks to Gavin for all his assistance when I was in Milan. Your a gent.
although you don't see any kids under 16, once they hit 16, the ladies are beautiful.
unfortunately, once they hit 45, an unseen bicycle pump starts to operate and by the time they are 50, they are five times the size they were when you first met them.
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
quote: Originally posted by: WebMaster "Unlike Severed Heed though, I am leaving a couple of hours prior to the flight.......not 45 mins before "
I can assure you we left in plenty of time for the route I had planned. unfortunately Gazza decided to become navigator and took us a differeent route. An accident on his route left us with no alternative option but to sit in a queue for 40 mins.
For the record, I checked in with exactly 2 minutes to spare.
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man