After my first visit to HQ in some time, to say I was shocked by the new interior would be an understatement. Jesus Christ!! Who the feck decided to turn the HQ lounges into a Land of Leather showroom. Was there a firesale at one of their stores. It's hideous. I kept on thinking that the only thing missing from the interior were price tag tickets hanging from the PVC couches. I can confirm that I will be in no hurry to return to the Mid Calder Land of Cheap Leather and feel embarassed to be associated with the pub....
I remember when it was quite trendy to have a pub with PVC couches etc..... I was about 19 years old and a pint was 80 pence.
Can we not change our association, especially as the new owners seem somewhat eager to upset regulars on a regular basis.
-- This post is brought to you in association with Land of Leather Proud Sponsors of the Mid Calder Inn
yep,get rid of ALL the 'old leather' thats in that place. have to be quick though - it only swans through the pub every now and again.
Ha Ha.
At least register and give us a clue!! I'm definately one peice of "Old Leather" that won't be swaning down to the Mid Calder Land of PVC for quite some time, if ever again.
good call anonymous.apart from the couches, I hear thru the grapevine that little kids get a bollocking for innocently putting a song on,that unbeknown to them,is associated with a certain football team,therefor has been removed by the owner permanently and left a little one upset.didnt realise it had turned into a fancy concentration camp.still, look forward to the uprising though.
Anonymous/Annoyed. Why are you posting to yourself? You are the same person. Here's a hint: Why not leave daddy's PC alone and catch up with your much needed English homework!!
Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.
There aint anything wrong with Sofas. "Agenda" in Corstorphine has them and it looks great. But Agenda has enough room for couches, the Tap Shop does not, it is too damn small. Where it used to sit 22 people, it now sits 10? It's trying to be something it can't. It would need both walls knocked down to accomodate the size of furniture it has. It just looks silly!!
The thing that swans through the pub now and again, has the main say in what is allowed in the pub or not. I thought this forum was for points of intrest about the club not for personal attack. so I suggest that it's kept that way or this piece of old leather will be seeking legal advice on having Tap Shop removed from your name, and you can carry on as MCTA . (Mid Calder Tartan Army)
I thought this forum was for points of intrest about the club not for personal attack. so I suggest that it's kept that way or this piece of old leather will be seeking legal advice on having Tap Shop removed from your name, and you can carry on as MCTA . (Mid Calder Tartan Army)
Do not try to moderate this forum and advise us how to run our club. The pubs nick name is being removed from this site within the next few days. The point was discussed 4 days ago (Friday) and was agreed in principle to remove any links/association with the Mid Calder Inn. I alone, design, maintain and administrate this site and as such, will update all banners, buttons, links etc as and when I see fit. The site is subject to change and change is necessary. Our name will still remain to be the "TSTA" not the "MCTA" as you would like. You can seek out legal advice, but TSTA will remain as the clubs title. "Tap Shop" is not copyright and whether we choose to change the first two WORDS to something else ("Tin Soldiers Tartan Army"....."Tuck Shop Tartan Army" or anything else anyone wants to make up) is still to be discussed. The banners on the site will be re-designed by me as soon as I am back from Prague and any association with the Mid Calder Inn (on this site) will cease. All other Tartan Army Clubs will be notified of our new site title when the full issue has been discussed in detail at a future club meeting. Definitely to be held at another venue.
As a footnote. There has been no personal attack on this thread. I insinuated that "I was a piece of old leather" but if anyone cares to point me to the insult I would gladly remove the offending word, sentence, post..... I would also like to remind everyone that any content on this site is not the views of all the TSTA. You can read our terms on the main page, which has been there since Dec 1998.
Steady on folks be fair this is the wrong place to offer opinions on how the pub, or any business is being run. Change always promotes debate but that debate doesn't belong here unless it's TA specific.
The TSTA is well established and has "advertised" the spiritual home across Europe for 10 years including gaining media coverage and mentions in the official Scotland Match Day Magazine.
It's clear though we do need to meet to find out what direction members want to take the club forward in when the new World Cup campaign starts and to weigh up the potential levels of support in both directions first before making rash decisions (something I believe that other clubs associated with the social side of the pub are considering too).
A meeting will be organised well before the next match.
I have to agree with Steve that this isn't a forum for a slagging match, although ,i didnt see a comment by any member that could be classed as too outrageous, or are we not allowed to have a laugh now either? It is however a forum for discussion, and I dont think there is a more pressing issue at the moment as to where have all the members gone?. The membership was dropped slightly before Malkie left the pub, but it was also at its highest when he had it too, so I wouldn't read too much into that , but the members of the TSTA who still drink (regularly) in the Mid Calder Inn has dropped dramatically, why is this? I think if members want to discuss the way forward for the TSTA, we should have a meeting to thrash out the points. A lot of peope have personal issues as to the way the pub has changed, and I am including myself in this, so what do we do? Remember, the pub belongs to the Village, every owner and tennent in the past were, and are, "only" custodians of the pub until the next person comes along, and its what they leave behind that is important.
Several points are obvious from this entertaining thread.
1. Most would agree that headquarters was badly in need of a revamp internally. This has been done to an extent not seen since John Reid and whether you like it or not is a personal preference. It may not appeal to some but is an improvement on what it replaced.
2. Many regular foot soldiers frequently take their business elsewhere for whatever reason. Others have expressed distaste as to some goings on. Why are other clubs which use the pub considering their positions? Why do I find the Black Bull busier and busier with people normally associated with Mid Calder Inn? This may or may not dent revenue but it would seem prudent for management of any establishment to encourage custom through the door, not chase it away.
3. It makes no difference whether the club is based in the Mid Calder Inn or any other venue. Credit Card says " The TSTA is well established and has "advertised" the spiritual home across Europe for 10 years including gaining media coverage and mentions in the official Scotland Match Day Magazine". Surely of benefit to the owners of the pub? Any move should be fully researched and discussed.
4. I don't see anything that states discussion on the forum has to be TA specific although I would argue that initial post was indeed relevant as poster states "Can we not change our association, especially as the new owners seem somewhat eager to upset regulars on a regular basis". A request to move HQ due to a valid, maybe overstated, point.
I think Dress Sense sums it all up really in one of his posts:
Dress Sense wrote:
Aint they building a bar upstairs though?
Besides there's not enough people drink in the tap shop these days - problem solved?
Probably a contradiction if closely inspected, but true never the less.
My original reason for starting this thread was for a "laugh", although the last sentence in the first opening post was merely a question that more than a few members were asking the night I was in The Mid Calder Inn.
If people choose to keep their opinions to themselves I respect their reasons, but never the less, I do feel that this forum is a place to discuss issues.
Reasons are:
Not everyone can make it to The Mid Calder Inn.
Not every member can make the dates/weekends that meetings are held in The Mid Calder Inn
Meetings are not held on frequent basis (that is not a complaint). This forum gives members a more frequent meeting place.
This forum allows members to post anonymously. I know who etc via their IP, but their identities/posts will remain anonymous. It is part of the reason this forum replaced the Guestbook. A member can openly post their views without getting pulled up for doing so.
I personally would rather this forum remained "Open Topic" rather than "TA Specific" as I dont think enough posts are made to justify another seperate part to the forum. Whether this is, or is not, the place to offer opinions on how the pub is run, is again open to discussion. The venue has been part of our association for well over 13 years (10 years of which have been under the TSTA) and I thought it was important enough, as all three pubs I went into that night were offering their own opinions of the "Mid Calder Inn".
My original reason for starting this thread was for a "laugh", although the last sentence in the first opening post was merely a question that more than a few members were asking the night I was in The Mid Calder Inn.
Did hear a few stories last time I was over. Mind you, all previous tenants have had complaints levied against them, albeit minor compared to the tales I heard.
I personally would rather this forum remained "Open Topic" rather than "TA Specific" as I dont think enough posts are made to justify another seperate part to the forum.
Whether this is, or is not, the place to offer opinions on how the pub is run, is again open to discussion.
Don't see why not, if not slanderous/personal attack. Moderation maybe required where anonymous posts are allowed.
The venue has been part of our association for well over 13 years (10 years of which have been under the TSTA) and I thought it was important enough, as all three pubs I went into that night were offering their own opinions of the "Mid Calder Inn".
For what it's worth, I think the new couches are comfortable but in my opinion look ridiculous in the bar area.
-- Edited by Webmaster at 20:53, 2008-06-04
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
Don't see why not, if not slanderous/personal attack. Moderation maybe required where anonymous posts are allowed.
Absolutely. I think I have only ever deleted 3 posts on this forum, 2 Personal Attacks and 1 very Politicaly Racist post. All 3 were anonymous posts (I know the old English/Racist arguement buy that's all in good fun and should not be taken seriously on this type of forum).
For what it's worth, I think the new couches are comfortable but in my opinion look ridiculous in the bar area.
Again I agree. I stated this in an earlier response to a post from Dress Sense. The pub looks silly. It's like a set for "Land of the Giants". It's all out of proportion.
Haven't heard of The Salubrious Tartan Army being on the receiving end of any grief from HQ heirarchy, so no need for change I would say -hence my call for a meeting if there a members who feel so strongly. Set up the messenger on the laptop and I'll attend!
I think some are unhappy with the way the pub is run generally which is a different matter. Easy answer is to take your custom elsewhere. Some already have.
Armitage is right though, talking sometimes works. The pub is after all part of the community, supporting local events (topical considering this is Gala week). Anyway see you in the comfy seats this weekend Armitage
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
........The pub is after all part of the community, supporting local events (topical considering this is Gala week).
Eh. . . . well . . . the truth is. . . . eh. . . . . fcuk it, I've stirred enough 5hit. Someone else can break the news to Severed Heed regarding the above quote. .
........The pub is after all part of the community, supporting local events (topical considering this is Gala week).
Eh. . . . well . . . the truth is. . . . eh. . . . . fcuk it, I've stirred enough 5hit. Someone else can break the news to Severed Heed regarding the above quote. .
-- Edited by Webmaster at 22:16, 2008-06-05
Someone's just told me Tap Shop not sponsoring a band for this years Gala? If true it's a disgrace. Can anyone confirm?
Someone's just told me Tap Shop not sponsoring a band for this years Gala? If true it's a disgrace. Can anyone confirm?
Someone did mention it to me but I thought they were winding me up?
Surley a business that relies on the community as custom would not kick the very same community in the nuts. If true (surely not), then Gerald Ratner has a partner in the making. So can anyone confirm if it is true? Has the T*p S**p pulled the plug on its Gala sponsorship?
Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.