You all think up there that he's gonna be the new Man U manager but I'll tell you what, we don't want him in the premiership if thats the way he carries on. Yu jocks can keep him .
The quicker he goes to the Premiership the better, the man is an embarassment.
Following his baffling behaviour after the game on Saturday, if this mornings papers are to be believed, he has decribed Rangers fans as racist for their treatment of Neil Lennon. He is becomes a laughing stock. In my dictionary, racism is described as "harted, rivalry or prejudice bourn out of difference of RACE".
Both sets of fans have many who can quite rightly (and sadly) be described as sectarian, no less palitable, but he lessens the respect many have for him day by day with the manner in which his mouth opens without engaging his brain.
Everyone except his team is deemed responsible for his loss. End of shelf life approaching?
Tin hat on...........
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
Don't want to start another thread so I'll add it here. From todays Celtic View. I can see the bunker mentality is alive and well at The Celtic View. There is no hope.
"Article from today's Celtic View.
NEIL LENNON suffers abuse at every away ground he plays at. Why is that ? Celtic Fans know the reason why, because he is a Catholic from the North of Ireland who happens to play for Celtic.
Nothing more & nothing less. The abuse he receives is racist & sectarian. Anyone who claims otherwise is either naive or condones the behaviour from supporters all over Scotland.
The idea that he is a target because of his style of play or manner on the pitch is ridiculous.
It is not as one Radio pundit suggested because he's a "smashing wee player" who gets stuck in.
The sooner the media stop peddling these myths, the better, but that's easier said than done.
The scale of the problem is such that the fans message board on the Official I C T club website carried racist comments in connection with Neil lennon from supporters ahead of the recent game a Celtic Park, encouraging I C T supporters to taunt the player.
And the reporting on Saturdays Old Firm game at Ibrox failed to condemn the torrent of abuse the player received throughout the match, instead preferring to criticise his behaviour during the game & his Manager's show of solidarity after the final whistle.
So where are the Newspaper campaigns calling for action to end what is Scotland's shame ? Which columnists are demanding something is done to stop this abhorent behaviour ? Who are the TV & Radio Pundits leading the call for an end to this abuse of Neil Lennon ?
All of them rightly condemned the disgusting behaviour of the Spanish fans at last week's England friendly., though they are the same people whose silence has been deafening after Celtic players such as Bobo Balde & Didier Agathe suffered similar abuse at Ibrox, & whose attitude towards Neil Lennon appears to be that, he is asking for it.
As a recent article in the Celtic View stated, Racism is not just a black & white issue.
Anti Irishness & Anti Catholicism does exist & Neil Lennon has become the focal point for many people to channel their hatred at.
Media pundits try to dismiss it, arguing that Neil Lennon is big enough to take it.
Take what exactly ? The racist & sectarian abuse every time he steps on the field of play ? Being abused when he's in his car with his daughter ? Being attacked by supporters while driving home ? & that's just the tip of a distasteful & disgraceful Iceberg.
Enough is enough. Something must be done about this & now.
In the meantime, Celtic supporters must take their lead from Martin O'Neill & continue to show the player that we support him & we appreciate him, regardless of how the rest of Scotland views him.
Paul Cuddihy Editor Celtic View"
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
quote: Originally posted by: A.N.Other Celtic Fan(ny) ".......The abuse he receives is racist & sectarian. Anyone who claims otherwise is either naive...... ""
This guy is having a laugh, right? And Celtic fans do not encourage rascist, sectarian abuse at football? The poor 'Tic fans and players. I personally hate Lennon because of the "Sectarian Card" he and his club pull everytime he gets any ill comments from media/referee/opposition fans. The guy is an animal. If there is one player in Scotland that is easy to "wind up" and get booked, it's that "wee" "ugly""face that only a mother could love" Neil Lennon. I am far from being a religious bigot and as he is the same religion as myself. So therefore I can say without comeback from the paranoa 'Tic support, that I HATE NEIL LENNON.
Typical Celtic fans thinking the worlds againts them, they'd make you beleive they were made to wear yellow stars during the war! Its not that your tims, its just cause you dont wash and none of the 60,000 of you can say celitic whithout using the letters S and H at the begining?!
Down with Catholic(or any other relegion) schools! They devide us and brainwash the muppets!
I think that Lennon being abused for his religion is totally unacceptable, the abuse he got playing for his country is perhaps a little confusing to us. But I recall Lennon saying that he would love to play for a "United" Ireland team, now under the circumstances, that was not the brightest thing to say, was he playing the "religious card" there? I dont know, even if you take away any religious or political content in a statement like that,it was a pretty contoversial thing to say. now ask yourself, who is your favourite scotland player of all time? How would you feel if he stated that the sfa should be scrapped and we play under a British team? do you think that you would want to shake his hand? NO, you would give him pelters every time he played for his country, wouldnt you? How about any English footballer suggesting the same, c'mon, you would want to "kill" him!
Now getting away from the international football side of it, and back to the domestic scene.
The Sellik news says that Lennon is abused at every ground he plays at, at home and in europe, are they saying that every other team in Europe are "sons of William" get real, he is hated because he is a dirty cheating gobby little fud! Thats why people dont like him.
Right then a little quiz. Hands up all those that think Lennon should get this years fair player of the year award? nope, didnt think so, okay easier, sports personality of the year? still no takers there either, how about role model of the year, , not that either, okay Lennon didnt even get a single vote there, On to round 2, hand up all those that think Lennon is a gobby little fud? whoaaa, what a draught, you can put your hands down now, next question, do you think that Lennon is a dirty little player, wow, even more hands, right, last question, do you think that he is a bit of a cheat sometimes? God, that was like a Mexican wave, right on to round 3
everyone that answered yes to any of the last 3 questions, are you a bigot or a rascist as the people at Sellick would have everyone believe, NO, of course not, Lennon gets the abuse simply because no-one likes him, purely and simply, he is a dirty cheating little gobby fud!
Nothing rascist or bigoted there, just a matter of personal choice.
Remember, in round 2 there, I only asked the questions, it was you that answered them!
A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!
Vicey, you don't often air your veiws on the forum, but when you do you make a lot of sense. I voted for yes for the last three questions and I have no religious issues apart from my hatred of religious bigotry itself. Lennon is a Fud. He is a cheat. He is an Animal etc...etc.....