... monkeys in films. 5. Monkey Business - About a fountain-of-youth serum accidentally invented by a chimpanzee called Gnasher 4. Gorillas in the Mist - Fried Egg walks into the bar from Toffs Lounge... 3. Tarzan the Ape Man - About the castaway lord called Boy Wonder raised as an ape man 2. Every Which Way But Loose - About a slow-witted trucker called Big Suff and bare-knuckle boxer named Haymarket, whose best buddy is orangutan, Buksh 1. Planet of the Apes - A moralistic fable about a world where the roles of humans and apes are reversed, bit like when the vice captain helps behind the bar I am 37
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
A condescending illusion caused by the after effects of a race destined to fall under their own consumption. Whether your govrnments fight over Oil, Land, Waters or Gingko and Ginseng. Your shampoo ingredients are all irrelevant.
You look upon interest rates as the word of God. But the real interest is football.
Aye....Eye....Cats Eye....Japs Eye. Whatever!!
Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.