I came on here after Scotlands famous win over the French and win over the Ukrainians and I was expecting to see everyone buzzing about Scotlands dramatic improvement in recent years and the potential to qualify - but I actually saw very little.
But when ENGLAND dont qualify then we do start getting threads.....I find that a bit weird to be honest.
I dont mind Scotland wanting England out - thats fine; but what does bother me is when your intellectually try to back up your reasons "English arrogance" "when they're good they're English, when they're bad they're British" "English media" "never stop going on about 1966" - that does bother me; because I think, for the most part its myth.
I just hope you want us out because we have a rivalry and no more needs to be said.
Anyway England are out - on merit. We had our share of lucky breaks and still didnt take advantage.