I am sure I am not the only K800i owner who has accidently pressed the internet button OR taken the phone out my pocket only to find that I have been connected to the internet for 2hrs.
Who the feck at Sony decided to put the Internet button there!!
I know there is the Automatic Locking function, but it still is not a 100% cure. But now there is....... With this short guide you can change the function of the button into for example opening a picture/music/video file instead.
Here's how you do it: Go to Menu/Settings/Connectivity/Internet Setting/Internet Profiles. On your provider click the "MORE" button. Choose "Advanced" and select "Change Homepage" Firstly Rename the Current homepage to what ever you want by clicking edit. Secondly: Scroll down to the internet address and change it to one of the below.
FOR EXAMPLE. I chose my TSTA screensaver which is called TSTA.gif So my address was: file:///card/picture/TSTA.gif
Now if I accidently press the internet button on my phone, the TSTA screensaver is launched. Not costing me a penny. A few people have asked me "But how do I get on to the internet now?" If you don't know the answer, then you are too stupid to carry out the above and should not be allowed to own a mobile. But if you really need to ask: Use your Bookmarks in your WebPages folder within your File Manager folder.