Once upon a time Not so long ago There was a little girl and her name was Emily And she had a shop
There it is It was rather an unusual shop because it didn't sell anything You see, everything in that shop window was a thing that somebody had once lost And Emily had found And brought home to Bagpuss Emily's cat Bagpuss The most Important The most Beautiful The most Magical Saggy old cloth cat in the whole wide world
Well now, one day Emily found a thing And she brought it back to the shop And put it down in front of Bagpuss Who was in the shop window fast asleep as usual But then Emily said some magic words
Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss Old fat furry cat-puss Wake up and look at this thing that I bring Wake up, be bright Be golden and light Bagpuss, Oh hear what I sing
And Bagpuss was wide awake And when Bagpuss wakes up all his friends wake up too The mice on the mouse-organ woke up and stretched Madeleine, the rag doll Gabriel, the toad And last of all, Professor Yaffle, who was a very distinguished old woodpecker He climbed down off his bookend and went to see what it was that Emily had brought
Bagpuss gave a big yawn, and settled down to sleep And of course when Bagpuss goes to sleep, all his friends go to sleep too The mice were ornaments on the mouse-organ Gabriel and Madeleine were just dolls And Professor Yaffle was a carved wooden bookend in the shape of a woodpecker Even Bagpuss himself once he was asleep was just an old, saggy cloth cat Baggy, and a bit loose at the seams But Emily loved him
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man