An approriate bus will be arranged, depending on Numbers, for the game at Easter Road against Sweden on Wed 17th November. A list is on the HQ notice board. Tickets will be based on "Every Man For Themselves". Safeway being the only option for anyone wanting tickets for the game.
Also. Could all those still to pay for their Kilt Pins please do so. Time is running out. Cheers
Goalkeepers: Alan Combe (Kilmarnock), Craig Gordon (Hearts), David Marshall (Celtic). Defenders: Russell Anderson (Aberdeen), Gary Caldwell (Hibernian), Jackie McNamara (Celtic), Kevin McNaughton (Aberdeen), Ian Murray (Hibernian), Steven Pressley (Hearts), Andy Webster (Hearts).
Midfielders: Colin Cameron (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Darren Fletcher (Manchester United), Barry Ferguson (Blackburn Rovers), Gary Holt (Norwich City), Gary Naysmith (Everton), Stephen Pearson (Celtic), Nigel Quashie (Portsmouth).
Strikers: Stevie Crawford (Plymouth Argyle), Paul Dickov (Blackburn Rovers), James McFadden (Everton), Kenny Miller (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Steven Thompson (Rangers).
GRANDAD - 09/01/1971 3 weeks at #1 - 27 weeks on chart
I've been sitting here all day thinking Same old thing ten years away thinking Now my days are gone, memories linger on Thoughts of when I was boy
Pennyfarthings on the street riding Motorcars were funny things, frightning Bow and hoops and spinning tops Annie gretzel's lollipops Comic cuts, all different things
Grandad, grandad you're lovely That's what we all think of you Grandad, grandad you're lovely That's what we all think of you Grandad grandad
Areoplanes tied up with string flying Telephones and talking things sighing A radio and phonograph, Charlie Chaplin made us laugh Silently falling about Familiar things I keep around, near me Memories of my younger days, clearly Now it's in my mind? Everyday I find, thoughts of when I was boy
Grandad, grandad you're lovely That's what we all think of you Grandad, grandad you're lovely That's what we all think of you Grandad, grandad
You'll not be wanting the Snow Patrol tickets im giving away all next week then?!
I'm giving out tickets for beats 5 birthday bash. Snow Patrol and Scottish band the Delays are playing next week at the Exchange. I think i'll be giving out tickets in Livi on the Thursday so if your interested do your shopping then and look out for the jeep!
Corn Exchange has the worst sound of any venue I've been to in the last ten years. Lyrics were drowned out in the middle of hall but crystal clear at side for The Music. Thought the same when I saw Muse there a year or two back but put it down to the sheer power of the music.
Snow Patrol? Now there's an interesting one. Not sure what I think of them......
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
Its not the Corn Exchange, Its the Exchange. Its in Edinburgh its a new venue its suppost to be quite smart. Think its where Marcos used to be? Dunno what the sound will be like but theres only goanna be a limited amount of people so it should be good!!!
dress sense you and heid are talking about the same place.
Marcos was on slateford road. and they got rid of the old slaughter house and built the world of /places.
the corn exchange was turned into the hall where the bands played.
I agree with horse. I was down the side for The Music, and I thought it was good sound but when i went into the middle the boy mumbled like RObin buying a round
Here we go again more players pulling oot the Scotland squad and it seem they nae interesting friendly anymore. Whit bother me how the f**k ye trying tae build a team for the future when ye get half the players or b**tards keep pulling oot.
But it a different story when it come tae like Brazil, France, even E**land then they all wants tae play in the team noo!!!...