Choose to hold up Big Stuff, choose to sit next to The Chieftain, choose sore ears, choose Diesel not petrol, choose to fall off a wall, choose to be a Captain, choose to get off the metro, choose to call Vicey a fud, choose Action Man’s plastic bag, choose diced carrots, choose the Webmaster’s port, choose to be sparkled, choose a Fried Egg, choose to have ciggies turned upside down, choose to pay £3 by Credit Card, choose Gazza, choose freeeedom, choose the Boy Wonder, choose to lose him, choose Dress Sense, choose odd socks, choose Randall & Hopkirk choose to be joined at the hip, choose The Janny, choose to smoke behind the bikeshed, choose a cigar, a Hamlet, choose The Smuggler to get you them, choose zonks, choose zincs, choose a bar, any bar, choose a pint, choose a large Grant’s, choose a Best or an 80, choose a pear cider, choose to drink till shuttin’ time, choose to be: