In response to a previous chain about drinking on the bus. Its not the driver who gets busted, he would only get busted if he knew there was drinking on the bus. As we board the bus, going to and coming from the game, I have to sign a disclaimer for the driver saying that there is no alcohol on the bus, it is my name on it, not yours, that is why I get annoyed by people having drink on the bus. Its me that would get "done" so if you are selfish enough to think its okay, then you shouldn't be a member of our club. Why when everyone else obeys the rule, do some people think that they are above the rules of the club?, oh aye, its a great laugh, we got ****ed on the bus and the committee did Fcuk all about it! Grow up eh. As for the comments about the size of "carry oot" that goes on the bus to Englandshire and other places, when we are going on these trips, we are not travelling to the game. It is only on matchdays and we are travelling to and from the stadium does the alcohol on buses law apply, When we are travelling to different places we can have drink at the drivers/bus companies discretion. Davy Baird
A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!