Mary Doll was asking if me if I was going to order pin badges again, as most members have lost the ones we ordered back in Jan 2003. I've been in touch with PinPoint Badges, who done our original badge to see if they kept a template of the original (to save cost?) If they do, we should be able to buy replacements reletavely cheap (about 59p a badge), don't hold me to this, but it should be round about that price. Would anyone be interested in purchasing a badge or badges? The minimum order is 150, which by all accounts we could have sold twice that last time?
Now, if the company don't keep the templates then we can revamp our present badge to include est. 1998 or 2007 or whatever we want. Any ideas?
Suggest we go for it Craig, each member should get one free from the club that takes care of about 50 plus most will buy one or two spares as well as Malky will probably want some for the pub.
i would like a few too big guy. is there any chance that wee could get a pin badge with our hill walking branch on it. somehing like "TAP SHOP HIKEING BRIGADE" EST 2007
with the walking sticks on the saltire for the cross.
feedback is appreciated...... bring it on morris!!!
i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.
Update............ Received an email from PinPoint Badges:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Craig, Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately we only keep tools for 3 years. However, as this is a repeat order we will only charge you half or the original die charge. Prices are as follows: 'TSTA' Photo Etched Soft Enamel Badges with Epoxy, Gold plated, butterfly clutch fitment, size 32mm high, qty. min. 150, exactly as our previous order no.9520; 150 @ 74p each Part die charge £25. Prices are plus carriage and VAT. Thanks, Aaron
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what does the comittee think?
150 badges @ 0.74p = £111.00 plus half price die-charge @ £25 = Total cost to the club of £126.00
Option 1. Selling the badges at £1 would give the club a profit £24.
Option 2. Each member gets one free (approx 50) leaving us with 100 to sell at £1.50 = Also a profit of £24.
Option 3. Each member gets one free (approx 50) leaving us with 100 to sell at £2.00 = Profit of £74.
With us getting a die-charge I would imagine we can add the "Est. 1998" as Severed Heed mentioned earlier? My original post of 0.54p a badge was based on a cheaper die-cast badge, the ones that Aaron is on about is the exact same as the ones we had previously.