Hello Crew. I have received an initial estimate on the TSTA Kilt Pins. The estimate is based on a purchase of 50 pins.
Hi Craig, Sorry for the delay in responding , we just got back from a show - and I am just getting caught up. Anyway, a rough estimate on the kilt pins would be US $20-25 ea. including mold fees and an estimate on design work. This would be the approx. price each if you ordered 50, Please let me know if you would like to proceed. Then we can work out the details and I can give you a firm price. Thanks for considering us. Jim Boyle
Now $20-25 is approx £11-14. This is pretty good considering that off the peg ones would cost the same. I would get a more accurate figure once I have given full quantities and talked over the finalised design. So far I have 8 orders totalling 18 pins, which is pretty good.
WebMaster = 3
Severed Heed = 1
Harty = 1
Hamlet = 2
irn bru = 2
Gazza = 2
Sliver = 2
Credit Card = 5
Those who have ordered will remain on the list unless they want removed. I will try and get down to HQ and put up a list and try and reach the 50 target. What is the general feeling on the price?
Thanks Craig I reckon that's a good price. I reckon you will get 50 takers easily enough. Good idea to get folks to pay up first though once you get a definite price.
I am in a catch 22. I will get a firm price once I get a definate order amount. But how can I get a definate order amount when I do not know what the price will be? ------------------------------------------------------------------ eg. "Do you fancy buying a Kilt Pint?" I ask. "How much?" says the eager TSTA member "I don't know......." I reply "Yeh well once you get a price then I will consider it......twat!!" hints the TSTA Member ------------------------------------------------------------------ See what I mean.
So. Here is what I will do.
I will put up a list at HQ. The list will be up for 2 weeks (and 2 weeks only).
The price will be £15. Any thing cheaper and all monies will be returned, you have my word. This is purely non-profit.
Those who want one (or more) MUST pay their money at the bar upon putting their name up.
When paying, please fill in one of the TSTA receipts, so that I know who has ordered one.
If your name is on the list but there is no receipt then no order will be placed for you. Your money if paid will be left in the tin.
Sorry it's a bit blunt, but the Polo Shirt order I carried out a few years back still gives me a headache and I swore not to do another merchandise promo. I was out of pocket and so was the club. So as long as you do your bit, I will do mine. Fair? I will let everyone know when I put the list up. Cheers
I am being told that there is 42 orders for the kilt pins and not the 50 I antisipated. Now as long as those 42 orders are paid for by Saturday the 30.10.04 then the order can be placed. If the payments actually fall short of 40 then the order will be cancelled. This is because we will then have to pay for the mould to be made seperately and this would increase the price which I am unwilling to do. So here is hoping that all 42 pins have been paid for. I am on my way to HQ now (12.00pm) anyone fancy a few jars?
craig, I will take 3 kilt pins and I know that ally we want one as well, our band is playing at the tap shop on Sat 30/10/04. I cannot get down before and ally is on holiday.will it be be ok to pay for them on saturday night 30th or do you need cash before saturday night ? also how do I get a user name instead of posting anonymously everytime I have been unable to access via members log in.
We are a wee bit low in numbers. There are 42 pins ordered but only 30 have been paid for. Can those who have ordered but yet to pay, please do so ASAP. This will enable me to get the order raised. At the moment the order will be cancelled as we have not met the required 40. Cheers
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous ".........also how do I get a user name instead of posting anonymously everytime. I have been unable to access via members log in...... "
When you say that you are unable to access via members log in, have you opened an account to register a username? I don't have any users pending in the registration folder. If you have registered, let me know what email you registered under and I will reset the password. You can then change the password yourself when logged in.