May i say that i recently found your fantastic wallpaper's on site and that they are a godsend to me. Being that i live and breathe amongst the Engurlish the last few months have been hard for me but i am adapting well and getting on with life and seeing my big f£*k off picture of Wallace and the Bruce every morning gives me a good reason to smile (You see it's on one of their computers HE HE ). I must say that having been an avid reader of your site when i was introduced to it by Robin McCrum aka The Boy Wonder,I have found it an invaluable way to keep my sanity and my sense of Scottishness (Is that a word?). Anyway just wanted to say keep up the good work and i'll keep popping in from time to time. p,s, Isnt it amazing how they could breed so many rugby union fans in such a short time eh. Never knew that many existed in the first place.
J P.
I want to drink heavy beer one more time before i die.
Thanks for that JP. Your comments are appreciated.
I must agree with you regarding the incredible breeding rate of the Egg Chaser. Considering that only 28million was the actual worldwide viewing figures of the Rugby World Cup, I suspect a few (hundred thousand) glory hunters within the newly formed English Egg Appreciation Society.
ps The World-Wide viewing figures for the FIFA World Cup are in Billions. So the importance of England winning the Rugby WC in front of a World-Wide figure of 28million in relation proves that rugby is as popular as. . . . . . . . .(this will cheer up Andy Bhoy). . . . . . cricket!!