Thought i would bring this to your attention in case anybody here or anybody you know fancies an affordable last minute trip to Lithuania.
Due to an unavoidable personal circumstance I am unable to go to Lithuania for our next away match. In order to recoup the loss I v made someone can have my package for £300!!! This is well cheaper than anybody could get booking with anybody now and a lot cheaper than most folk who are going will have got. This includes:-
Return flight from Luton to Kaunus - Departing Sunday evening and returning Friday Match Ticket! Accomodation for all the nights there in Vilnius Booked on return bus from Vilnius to Kaunus on match day!
I have been to Vilnius before and its damn good, gutted I can't make it this time, much better to stay in Vilnius than Kaunus.
Anybody fancies the above let me know and I will arrange the details and get on to flight company to arrange a name change. e-mail is