Typical!! We can't organise our own bus in another country without scrounging off another TA Club. I thought Lithuania was meant to be cheap? I am fed up....bla...bla...bla....moan...moan!!
No...seriously. Excellent stuff. I'll be down within the next few days (if that's not to late) and pay the cash. Good shout CC!!
can't imagine wot she's doin to herself everytime she sees the pic....bless
go on, answers on a postcard you scavangers
Rumour coming out of Copenhagen is that she is locked in a padded room listening to Chocolate Girl repeatedly thinking of that sultry night where she met the man behind the music which made her melt when he touched her.............
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
At this point I am contacting my shady friends from the back room in Durty Nellies with a view to hiring a couple of their Hezbollah mates complete with rockets to leave off Israel for 15 mins and send a few crashing into trap 2, Mid Calder Inn!!!
-- Edited by Severed Heed at 19:24, 2006-08-09
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
OK guys Ally for Longforgan TA had confirmed we will be on coach number 12 leaving for Kaunas at 15:00. I think we should have a meeting on Sunday 03/09/06 to go over the details of the trip given that we are not all on the same flights etc. Now we are just a few weeks away mind check you passport expiry dates and ensure your insurance is bought etc etc.
As our Junior Advance party we expect you two to find the best pear cider in Kaunas and text in instructions to find you when we get off the bus. Limit Greenback to 4 pints of the stuff Litchfield otherwise he won't see the game
armitage pished??? am no havin that...have you checked the toilets yet?
stevie how are the non travel club members fixed for briefs for jamboania? will we have to purchase said briefs ourselves from the wee gadgie in the black mini behind the romanov stand when we get there like last time?
webmaster the novotel is much closer to the city centre than the europa city is, do i keep my booking at the novotel and cancel the europa city or do I save the 102 euros and go with the europa decisions decisions
okay decision made the 102 euros will be saved and used on the extra drinking money hic hic