Anyone fancy reviving the Tap Shop Go-KArting championship again.
Been A wee while since Ive been up to Deans, but it was a goos laugh last time I was there. We would need about 16 for a grand prix style day.
If there is any interest i shall look into prices for it...
fancy that too.
dont think it be much of a night just me and Gazza. Would need 9-16 people to make a grand prix.
each person would get 3 x 25 laps then the six fastest would get a final 15 laps to decide the winner.
all for the cheaply sum of £28.
there is always the pub afterwards? only two hours dry?
bottle of cheap plonk for the winer has to be a major attraction.
Mate was at the karting just off the A1 (not far from Dunbar), its seemingly class.. outdoor circuit with 70mph karts!!
They do a GP of 16 or 32, practice lap, warm up sesh, then full race.. trophies to 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Is a little steep at £55 each though!