Well well well..........Mr Saintly jock goes beating up a familiy because of an England shirt! Would Ms Caz like to preach to us once again on the subject of tolerance?
-- Edited by Luke at 12:42, 2006-06-21
To bonnie Scotland............if the populations i.q was 1 % lower they'd be plants!
Jack McConnell, the Scottish supporters and anyone who tries to intellectually justify the anti Englishness that exists in Scotland succeeds only in giving tacid permission to these thugs to launch such attacks. The We dont have to justify anything to you, sassanach, cos your a bawbag line is woefully inadequate.
How long before someone is killed?
How long before there is a backlash south of the border?
Not like you to go way OTT, you fud!! It's a BLACK EYE dickface, not a stabbing!! Hardly front page news. And imagine getting your head kicked in by someone wearing a donkey's jacket. I mean is that the full works....head, tail, hoofs and all the rest?
I reackon it had nothing to do with the **** top he had on. It's simply for being "ugly in a built up area"
-- Edited by The Architect at 21:52, 2006-06-21
-- Edited by The Architect at 21:54, 2006-06-21
Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.
I reackon it had nothing to do with the **** top he had on. It's simply for being "ugly in a built up area" -- Edited by The Architect at 21:52, 2006-06-21 -- Edited by The Architect at 21:54, 2006-06-21
It turns out the victim was disabled which pretty much sums up the bravery of bravehearts. By the way, where is sanctimonious caz in this discussion?
It turns out the victim was disabled which pretty much sums up the bravery of bravehearts. By the way, where is sanctimonious caz in this discussion?
Sanctimonious......how does me showing you bunch of fuds the errors of your statements make me sanctimonious......now if it was me gobbing off saying how tolerant & compassionate we where then i could see yer point......but noooooooooo.....
In all honesty i'm disgraced by the assaults but unfortunately it is the way of the world and you fannies bumping yer gums on a Scottish website is not gonna stop it.....every weekend an Arsenal fan beats the sh*t out of a Tottenham fan or a Man Utd fan beats the sh*t out of a Man City or Liverpool fan, Celtic Fans with Rangers, Hibs fans & Hearts fans, AC & Inter Milan.....the list could go on and on from teams all around the world....it's what's known as rivallry....get used to it boys it's never gonna go away!
If it has testicles or tyres it's gonna give you trouble!
In all honesty i'm disgraced by the assaults but unfortunately it is the way of the world and you fannies bumping yer gums on a Scottish website is not gonna stop it.....every weekend an Arsenal fan beats the sh*t out of a Tottenham fan or a Man Utd fan beats the sh*t out of a Man City or Liverpool fan, Celtic Fans with Rangers, Hibs fans & Hearts fans, AC & Inter Milan.....the list could go on and on from teams all around the world....it's what's known as rivallry....get used to it boys it's never gonna go away!
A football club has never went to war with another football club.
A country has gone to war with another country.
Thats the difference. Ethnic groups, nationalities, religions and countries all fight one another and whole peoples become intimidated, displaced, oppressed and killed as a result. Not so with football teams.
When we're dealing with nationalistic issues everyone has to be a lot more vigilant and responsible about what they say and do. I put it to you that the Scottish football supporters go too far in their rivalry and are naive when they brush it off - I've seen quotes relating to the English (not fans - but the English PEOPLE) such as "most hated race in the world" "no wonder everyone hates you" and so on - on this forum.
Now you may think thats funny, you may even secretly think its true - but you shouldnt say it publically because it gives knuckleheads the green light. When Ulster Vanguard declared they wanted to "liquidate the enemy" they meant violent Irish Republicanism. The knuckleheads however went out on a Catholic killing rampage.
Yeah I'm going too far. Over reacting. I wonder what happened to those people who "over-reacted" to the growth of Serb and Croat nationalism in the 1980s. A war won't be fought here in Yugoslavia - dont be stupid we're just having rivalry; aye, we're going to Zagreb to fight some ****ers - but dont worry theres hooligans all accross Europe.
I hold you personally indirectly responsible for the attack because you have contributed to an environment in Scotland that allows such things happen to English people/fans. Remember Julius Stricher? He never personally gassed anyone. He was hanged though.
Come on be fair lads and lassies , this is an open forum , and when someone from another country (i.e. Luke) goes to the effort of getting his knuckles off the ground and onto a keyboard, we should have the dignity of listening to their point of view, in case we have overstepped the mark or not argued the case correctly...
got to the picture of his motor..tried to read the postings, but nope....cannae do it...
how can you take a point seriously...when you're pissing yourself at the picture....sure I need a haircut but ...that car haha, nope cannae carry on....haha...breathe Andy breathe.....nope got to go
to SHP, And your point is what exactly? what is the connection between that and the Tartan Army, could you please clear this up for me, I will be willing to listen to any proof that a TA member was involved in this.
I look forward to your reply.
-- Edited by The Vice Captain at 16:23, 2006-06-22
A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!
to SHP, And your point is what exactly? what is the connection between that and the Tartan Army, could you please clear this up for me, I will be willing to listen to any proof that a TA member was involved in this. I look forward to your reply.-- Edited by The Vice Captain at 16:23, 2006-06-22
England in the World Cup ----> Tartan Army and many Scottish people react woefully OTT ----> knuckle head gets an idea into his head because his own bigotry has been rationalised by Scottish pseudo intellectuals and his football supporting bretheren; words such as "hate" for example, being used regularly ----> English family get attacked.
As I already said. Those involved in the Nazi propaganda machine were hanged. They did not gas, shoot or beat any Jew, gypsie or Slav - but they were treated the same as those who did.
England in the World Cup ----> Tartan Army and many Scottish people react woefully OTT ----> knuckle head gets an idea into his head because his own bigotry has been rationalised by Scottish pseudo intellectuals and his football supporting bretheren; words such as "hate" for example, being used regularly ----> English family get attacked. As I already said. Those involved in the Nazi propaganda machine were hanged. They did not gas, shoot or beat any Jew, gypsie or Slav - but they were treated the same as those who did.
100 more arrests in Stuttgart. Explain that then bawbag....
& I quote from a police spokesman in Stuttgart...""Unfortunately after midnight the numbers reduced to about 200. They then started singing racist and quite insulting songs about quite a lot of people, throwing some chairs, bottles and tables",
I look forward to receiving your early reply...
-- Edited by Benny Brazil at 10:37, 2006-06-24
-- Edited by Benny Brazil at 10:39, 2006-06-24
The Mid Cawder Branch o the Fran & Anna fan club.
Fran's no deid jist awfi guid at hide & seek.
Drunken neanderthals being ****heads in a foreign country? I dont make excuses for the ills of English fans; we have problems which for 15 years we have facd up to. Whereas your extreme Anglophobia (which has resulted in assaults against English people in Scotland) is laughed fof and brushed under the carpet.....and even excused "the english media blah blah blah - GET THAT DISABLED MAN AND HIS FAMILY!!!!!!"
I also correctly predicted you'd love it if there was trouble with English fans. No concern for public property, public safety or anything - you just want England dragged through the mud. And its sad.
The beating up thing is not big and not clever, whilst unconnected with the TA it is still WRONG. Also for the 95% of English over at the World Cup (like we would have been i.e. having a good time and not causing bother) then it's WRONG that they are tarred with the same brush whilst wanting to enjoy themselves properly. No more comment on this from me!
If only Hadrian had had the balls to finish the job instead of building a bloody wall! On the evidence of this forum, another wall should be considered to keep you North British inbreds away from civilisation in the South.
To bonnie Scotland............if the populations i.q was 1 % lower they'd be plants!