Craigy boy. The link and your web address cannot be found? Is there a problem with your server? I tried but I would be surprised if this was your site.
Hell knows what was up with the PC, but all is ok now.
Nice site Craig. Good use of flash and easy navigation. Did you find it restrictive designing the site around a resolution of 800x600 ? I find it a pain in the arse designing to that spec and the sooner everyone realises 15inch monitors are pish the better.
A wee tip that you may find gives your page a larger presense. If you centre/nest your *swf file within a table that is set at 100% (width and height), it will give an illusion of the page filling the monitor. This way your site will sit dead centre of the screen surrounded by an equal amount of black.
It will change your look from this:
To this:
It's a simple piece of code that I use when designing an 800x600 site. Please don't take offence mate. It's only a cosmetic change. Design wise I wouldn't change a thing. Your site looks brill.