Ye come up here tae paradise , tae beat us at your game,
Aw'wind and piss and full o' s_it, Yer aw the bloody same.
Ye caw yersels World champions, the nations most elite,
But Scotland are the greatest noo, cos Yuv just been f_ckin 'beat.
A game that wis invented, fur English gentlemen,
No Highland Jocks we tartan frocks, well bluddy think again.
A baw that's shapit like an egg, it's jist a stupit farse,
Bit A suppose it makes it easier, tae ram right up yer arse.
So git back home an lick yer wounds, yer a bunch o stupit fools,
It's time fur you tae cheat again, and change the f_ckin, rules.
Rugby,fitba, cricket tae, yer jist a shower o chancers,
Stick tae whit ye dae the best, you Morris f_ckin dancers!!!
...getting beat 3-1 by Switzerland, seriously, what the **** was all that about
Maybe you scots should try cambodia next?
Hello fanny back again, Dry yer f**kin eye ...