I'm putting out a couple of feelers to see if anyone would like a new TSTA Polo Shirt. It's been roughly a year and a half since our 2003 issue and I was thinking of ordering a new batch this time with the full logo as oppossed to our last batch that consisted of the thistle alone. I was also wanting to include a T-Shirt version for our ladies and will post a couple of variations and let our girls decide which one they would prefer. Unlike last year, I would like to keep the design standard (easy). By this I mean no nick-names. Trust me. The organisation and numerous phone calls that went into getting the full order right was hellish. Making sure the spelling was right.
"Yes it is Singing Defective, not Singing Detective. So you can start that polo shirt again!!"
"No I can asure you TwinkleToes is not a female and the shirt I ordered was defenately XL" etc. etc.
I was thinking of "The Full Logo" on the Left of the chest, "TSTA 2004" on the right of the chest and "Tap Shop Tartan Army" on the back of the collar (ladies t-shirt excempt....no collar) Whether we go for the same Blue with White Stripes (cheapest shirt) like last year approx £11-£12 each (still to phone for prices) or go for a more expensive shirt can be decided together. It's no big deal if we decide not to go with the idea, but as we have some new members, if enough people would like one then 25 is all we need. If anyone else can think of some merchandise that they would like us to make available instead or included then let me know.
Seriously - A good quality T-shirt for the guys (v-neck is diff) would go down well in my book. Can I order the light blue female t-shirt with someone in it who fills it like your example?
I am 37
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
quote: Originally posted by: Severed Heed ".......Seriously - A good quality T-shirt for the guys (v-neck is diff) would go down well in my book......."
If by T-Shirt you mean a T-Shirt with a print like the "Hoozfurra" shirts, then that aint my dept. Sorry. Although I can get V-Neck tshirts with the Stitched Logo on them. Basically, if you search the site below, we can can any item on their catalalogue. I use a different company, because they do not charge me for the embroidery on the collar and right chest, which saves us about £4 per shirt. Although their site does not give their full range.
The company I use is based in Bradford: www.logoso.co.uk The lassie at Logoso gave us more for our money than any of the rest would. She has said that she would do the detailed badge for no extra cost. Which is excellent. Considering many companies charge a £50 set up fee for customised logos.
quote: Originally posted by: "I quite like the Long Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt an keeping it in white: orThe Polo Shirt below. Except it would be Dark Blue with White piping and White triangle on sleeves. "