Due to "Blue Cheese" Syndrome , I have decided to try a new forum format. The new forum will allow registered members to have their own Avators, Signatures and allow Hyperlinks and HTML Coding and more text variations. Please register to benefit from our new services. But please keep your avators small. Approx 80px by 80px We still have people with 28k modems who do not wish to wait an eternity for your 6ft by 3ft avator to download. I decided upon this server (Sparklit) as their adverts are minimal (no pop-ups) and it costs us nothing. Others (Bravenet etc) use pop-up adverts to the point of excess. One post would produce 7 pop-up ads....and no avators or signatures were allowed.
Our previous forum will be quarantined for a few weeks to enable us to test this new forum. We will then have an online vote on what forum to keep.
I have included a page with various TSTA avators. Please feel free to use your own or if you have difficulty in making your own please email me the picture you wish to use and I will include it in the page for you to use.