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TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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the end

                                           HEARTS FOOTBALL CLUB-- 1874


                                             BORN - 1874- - 2005

Freeeeeedom!! ( Still nae ban yet?)

TSTA Keyboard Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 891

Almost the most sense you've ever made!

Except 1874 - 2006

Barry George is an innocent man
Sean Hodgson is an innocent man

TSTA Hall of Fame

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Posts: 195

This is just typical of a part time Jambo!

Keep the faith ya bawbag of a turncoat!


And you thought that guy in Prague could stir!!

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Posts: 667

Dress Sense wrote:

Keep the faith..........

Keep faith in what? I was hoping that Hearts could have halted the hold the OF have had on our game. I'm no Jambo, but our game needs a kick up the ass and I thought Hearts could have injected something good into our league. Unfortunately I reckon that the recent goings-on at Tynecastle will halt any further progress in your title bid and if it is not sorted soon then your champions league spot may well go your rivals.

Your Chairmans antics will scare any self respecting (quality) manager off from the Tynecastle post and considering your position, the Tynecastle postie should be carrying a bigger sack than Santa, instead he can probably carry the applications in his back pocket. Hense the reason the post is still vacant. You are not waiting for the right man for the job. The right man got sacked and the next best knocked it back (Raineri sp.)

To quote "The Scotsman" prior to the departure of Robertson

Robertson wanted complete autonomy on the playing side and though George Burley, his successor, will be keen for this too Romanov can't promise this will indeed occur...........

Romanov yesterday confirmed that the striker (Jankauskas)
was his call, and Burley can expect more additions to his squad who have not necessarily been sanctioned by Burley himself." 

All the rumours regarding Burley, drink, hookers, turning up drunk etc.... are pure drivel and the reasons for his dismissal are simple. You are not allowed to have an opinion that differs from Romanivicavacachovavic. His decision is final and not up for debate.

No man is bigger than a football club. Unfortunately an ego is and that ego belongs to your chairman. The reason Dunfermline and Dundee Utd knocked this guy back may well be coming to haunt you.

-- Edited by WebMaster at 20:41, 2005-11-04


TSTA Hall of Fame

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Posts: 195

I dont care, where exactley would we be without him - sitting mid table playing in an empty rugby stadium.

People have short memories, whilst all the off feild antics have got me worrying - i only have to look where it matters on the feild. Theres a lot hoping we do balls it up DAFC, DFC and DUFC so that they can say told you so - compare those teams with us now. Hibys for obvios reasons.

Look at the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona the board have heavy influences there but nobody seems to bother.

We may not win the league this season - but it WILL come soon

Let the soap opera continue.....



What a great appointment Graham Rix is to Hearts especialy at this time of the year at least the will have someone to play Santa at the Hearts childrens christmas party.Come on little Boy/Girl come and sit on Santa's knee   


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

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Posts: 891

On a serious note, I read somewhere that he allegedly married the girl involved. Can anyone confirm this story?

Barry George is an innocent man
Sean Hodgson is an innocent man

And you thought that guy in Prague could stir!!

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Posts: 667

Definately never married her?

Can't beleive that Romanichivovivicohoc stooped to this level in finding Burleys' replacement. Rix has failed at every level. I suppose a 6 month contract tells it all though. I'm sure he's already done 6 months before somewhere..........


TSTA Hall of Fame

Status: Offline
Posts: 195

We'll see what happens.

construction work has already begun at Tynecastle......theyve moved the dugouts further away from the school end.

We used to chant to the hobos 'send your wimin over here' now its goana be 'send your children over here'

did i just cross a line there?

The jam tart aint crubled yet just a bit broken from being in the packet!

P.S conspiricy theory - Murray has poached Burley - laugh now but lets see what happens when carrot top gets axed mmmm? Dosen't sound so silly when you think about it? Lure Burley out of high flying jambos see what unrest it causes(a hell of a lot ) give it a wee while till dust setles and apoinnt burley in Jan. Still think the secracy deal that was signed wi burley is dodgy. Always a weegie conspiracy going on - dam river city!


TSTA Keyboard Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 891

It wiz the big boys that done it an run away..................

Barry George is an innocent man
Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
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