All very well beating us in the cup(the mickeymouse cup at that), but it dont get you any points on the board. Mind you the extra revenue you'll get will help your budget in the 1st division.
All the best hears hoping you hump the hibs in the final again!
chant of the season 'the referees a jambo' - family stand at its best!
Shut it ya wanabe gers fud .Listen to yersel just like them and that other west coast lot (its a mickey mouse cup) .I am 100% serious here if its bettween a team from Edinburgh or any where other than the old firm I know who I want to win.But just remember when it is coming up to the end of the season, and the hibs could be fighting for a cup final place and you lot are trying to make the top six you can always cheer on the Snr huns.
Previous CIS cup victors of recentish(if thats a word) times - Hibs, Raith Rovers, Livi - I rest my case in calling it the mickey mouse cup. Look at the coca-cola down south its been won by your Leicters and M'boros- its treated with the same respect(none). Im my opinion it should be scrapped on both sides of the border and the texaco should be brought back.
Listen to myself - yeh listen to me! were going for the league somthing you boys can only dream about and its making you sick and all you can do is pull out the wanabe hun gag. its getting boring. Its a myth and I asure you full abuse will be given to the huns tomorow just as much as we give to you lot. You should have seen the scenes after the last Rangers game at tynie.
Its the Scottish cup you want bad - the 'big one'. 1902 and counting......
I don't know if getting beat qualifies you to be as good as the Mickey Mouse Teams.......
Never mind. As your sugar daddy says "We are going to be competing in the Champions League, not just qualifying" Best try and win the Mickey Mouse cups before sharing the same gress as the "REAL" football teams.
Ive always said the CIS was a mickey mouse cup, before the Romanov reveloution. However ide be more than happy if we won it, of course I would. Good luck to Livi, but lets be honest - its a crap cup its down there wi the challange cup. Its boring midweek tosh. So bad they even moved the final to spring time hoping the weather would make it seem better. Look at the carling cup in England, the top clubs put out there reserves out for it, it means that much. Bring on the Texaco cup!
Well if im a hun wanabee, then fu(kin the cousins has never been so good! As for getting behind an edinburgh team - Livi ARE an edinburgh team. Until the reform of the council Livingston was in MIDLOTHIAN plus livi have 197?8 on their badge from when they were Meadowbank.