Attention all 18 TSTA travelling with the club to Chisinau (plus of course Gazza who is going on his own!)
The travel agent has had all kinds of problems finalising details with the Moldovan hotel. It seems there is a cartel out there who all say we must stay 2 nights. We now have to as well but it adds to the cost so we now have £339 or another £30 for some shut eye.
Details are leave Tuesday around 4 a.m. leave from Chisinau for home on Thursday lunchtime. You've all paid your deposit and if you DON'T want to go get in touch this weekend. Otherwise you balance due for mid-July is now £339 - £70 = £269. Note if you paid by cheque you cheque will not be cashe duntil next week.
At last we can confirm we are booked! I also spoke ot our friends at EASTA and they have 18 going too. Party in those chemical suits boys!