Mary must be doing the sensible thing and spending the night with someone other than you, is that why you've got a pass out Anyway on a serious note cant make it .Going out to be parted from every penny I own better known as a wedding reception at the ramanda jarvis hotel or what ever its called at livingston.Make it next Sat. and its a yes
- after a night at kushis spurred on with pear cider I found credit card curled up in a ball at the bottom of my stairs. I had to step over him to get in the house.
It's amazing, you can walk 10 miles in driving rain, freezing weather, totally pissed and unable to take two steps forward without taking one back, but you can always get to your front door. BUT as soon as you shut that door behind you, you fall asleep!
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man