Whats hapening on the t-shirt front. The old ones have been through a few battles now and are begining to smell. Not long till mary doll shrinks them in the wash! It was discussed at a few of the previous meetings but no action has been taken to get the good old classic tap shopt t-shirts ordered. I do think we could sell these t-shirts well over the site?
T-shirts are £5 each. The list is up at HQ. If anyone wishes one then please try to pay when you put your name up. It's ony a fiver afterall. The sooner we get the cash the sooner we get them.
If you make a £5 cheque payable to "Tap Shop Tartan Army" and post it to Tap Shop Tartan Army c/oThe Mid Calder Inn Main Steet Mid Calder West Lothian I would imagine it would be acceptable? Unless the committee would rather we follow another payment process?
how about postage for sending it back to my own house? can someone send me an email of line to give me a price for sending one to me and to get my address details would be grateful thanks p.s. glengarry sizes? how do you know what sizes to get...?
From your anonymous posting I take it you are not a TSTA member? P&P would be approx £1.50 but this would have to be confirmed by the committee as TSTA members will be sold t-shirts before there are any sold on to non-members.
Send me your address details and I will get back to you. craig@tapshopta.com
Regarding Glengarry sizes? Can't help you out there although I'm sure someone will get back to you........
Do we know when the T-shirts will be ready? I'm back in God's country 3 times in the next two months so might be able to arrange to pick mine up.-- Edited by Severed Heed at 19:09, 2006-03-01
Sorry mate no T-shirts, he gone on the run with the money!!..