FFS guys. Can we please start putting important info like this on the website please. This is the first I've heard that memberships should be renewed before 22nd February. Myself and Boywonder will be in Cardiff then and I can't make it down tonight because I'm taking the bitch out. When was it due? Have I paid it? Did Boy Wonder score on Wednesday night? I am 37 (and about to become chucked from the club?)
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
I'm going to take full responsibility on this one. During the meeting on 17th Jan, the attending members agreed that membership renewal was to be paid no later than 22nd Feb 2004 (our AGM date). Thereafter a re-joining fee was to be levied. This was due to the membership being given a possible restructure and also to enable new members the chance to join. I'm sure you were at this meeting Severed Heed? Like I have always done in the past, I awaited the "minutes" of the meeting before updating the site; unfortunately the minutes were never forwarded to me so I have updated the site with no confirmation. Sorry. I did check the "Members Notice Board" at HQ on Tuesday prior to leaving for Cardiff and admit to being slightly surprised at no mention of the deadline. So I think I may have jumped the gun with tonight’s site update regarding the "Membership Deadline"
Can any of the committee confirm whether indeed a deadline has been decided or indeed finalized?
what exactly does our membership money go towards? im not having a go at anyone before you start morris. it is just that it doesnt seem from outside the commitee where the money is going.
wait for this response.
i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.
Well gnasher, as far as I was aware, the memberships were due by the Sunday after the dance.
Now in answer to your question about what your membership money is used for here are just some of the things.
Subsidising home match buses where the cost of the bus has been greater than the income on the bus, this has happened on several occasions over the last 12 months.
Match tickets for drivers on a couple of occasions.
Subsidising foreign trips so that the costs can be kept to a minimum.ie the bus from Belgium to Germany.
Sponsoring a race in the Mid Calder gala day race night
A donation to Davy Yuill's Tap Shop anniversary present
Quaches for birthday gifts for members.
Drivers expenses on trips so that the cost of the trip can be kept to a minimum.
Computer paper and ink.
stamps and envelopes
Pin Badges
flowers for a funeral (Jay Jardine)
The cost for this web site
Phone calls from foreign trips, (TSTA business)
£100 for the hire of Pumpherston Golf club for the dance
costs for the credit card insurance when paying for match tickets, hotels, buses,insurance, etc
other sundray costs for the running of this club.
I hope this goes some way to answering your question.
A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!
At present, the full cost of the Web Site is being paid by myself. I know we were going to sort out some sort of direct debit Davy, but I decided to foot the running cost of the Internet Site. (Domain Names and our Server costs) My reasons were:
Not all members have Internet Access.
I set up the site as a hobby prior to the TSTA becoming as big as it has become.
The benefits of having an Internet Site may not be seen as a nessesity to use membership money for.
I overheard comments regarding the possiblity of "wasting membership money on our website".
No4 has alot of truth in it. Our site is only utalized by the membership minority. Therefore the majority of the membership do not need/use or wish to use the site. I even know of members with Internet access who have never been on the site. So the need for a site may not be required to use/waste members money on.
For the reasons above, I will gladly continue to foot the bill for the site for the forseeable future.
But to add another answer Gnashers question. I think that membership money should be going towards paying the phone bills of the committee members who have to phone:
Hotels (all over the world)
Bus Companies (some foreign)
Ticket Agencies
Tourist Info (all over the world)
I'm sure there is more money draining jobs you do, for this reason, I'm just glad I only have this site to worry about and not "70 odd arses to wipe" every time Scotland announce a game abroad.
Gnasher, I really do hope your comments were tongue in cheek otherwise I am going to be very, very ****ed off! Even if they were tongue in cheek publicly making them without being at today's meeting is not helpful. If they were tongue in cheek you're forgiven. For the record:
1. Every PENNY we take in is spent on the members. Vicey is our money man and earns more than enough from his job as I do to be bothered about the tittle tattle little money. Every part of our accounts is open to ALL members to inspect at ANY time. Take a look if you wish and take over too if you wish.
2. Vicey was close to giving it up.
3. So was I and Captain plus Chieftain because it is far easier doing things ourselves for ourselves but that's not our game and never will be! Take note.
4. Vicey has missed a lot of other expenses at the meeting, of which I will gladly tell you about, every penny.
5. Membership has always ran from the end of Feb to the end of the following Feb. Today 65% of the membership renewed ahead of schedule, if you don't do so by next Sunday then you risk no seat on the bus as we have at least 10 new potential members waiting. Incidentally today's AGM was attended by 55% of members with only 3 apologies (The Webmaster, Gazza and Dress Sense).
6. I do this all of this (not nearly as much as others) for feck all, if at work I could charge well I am not going to tell you, but a feckin' lot but I don't, and neither do the rest of the committee. Some should think and pay homage seriously to The Smuggler for example who went well out of his way for the last trip).
7. Our website is number ONE by far the BEST in Tartan Army circles and Big Craig Boyle does all of this off his own back to make us stand out well. Craig we salute you once again, without your sterling work we are goosed. If half of you realised how much in monetary terms never mind real time terms The Webmaster spends on this you should be buying him pints all night in TSTA HQ.
At this juncture that's what this is all about we are ALL in the TSTA and should be working to the same goals. Any slagging save it for meetings please, or on a face to face basis. I can take it if anyone is brave enough as are those who run the club.
8. If you wish to reconsider your views you know where I am......otherwise don't expect a friendly greeting from me!
9. Sorry
10. But I'm hacked off!!
***Finally any hassle or comments on this do NOT put this on the site SEE ME face to face. I can take it!!!!!!!!******
Sorry. I would like to put something straight here. After reading my above post, it looks as though I made Davy out to be telling porky's. Davy is correct. The club did pay 1 years subcription money towards the domain name, so what Davy posted was true. So the committee did waste some of your money. But untill we get something solid out of the site (sponsorship etc) I will treat the site as a labour of love and subsidise it myself.
That way at least I will be free from the hassle that the committee get.........
Again folks can I just say without The Webmaster's own time and effort (which considerable) then we don't have a site!....and as he rightly says he still puts his own money where his mouth is!
get off your soap box morris. this is a forum for discussing things to do with the club. if you get ****ed off with subjects on it then that is your problem. not mine.
there was about 10 members sitting in a pub outside cardif on wednesday discussing this. a committe member was present. and it wasnt made clear there what it was used for.
As i said before, i am not having a go at anyone or questioning the running of the club. you all do a brilliant job and there is no onemore greatfull than myself. it was that we were just interested in the way that the club was being run.
thank you davy for explaining that.
i turned and said.."there is only one team is going to win this game Shug.....BANG Italy went 2-1 ahead.
Gnash. I am hoping to get a petition going at the dance that will hopefully prevent you from travelling to any more away matches. So I don't know if it's worth you re-newing your membership, ya ****en jinx!!
Gnashers Away Record so far: Rest of the World 20 v 0 Scotland
That score aint a coincidence mate....thats your fault!!
I've walked a million miles, for one of your goals, oh Scotland!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!! Gnasher Out!!