Going to Barcelona for ma wee sister's hen weekend. Any of you well travelled lot know anywhere decent to stay?
Caz x
Ps Another quality night with the TSTA on Saturday night. Big thanks to the Committee for organising it and a special thanks to the legend that is the Vice Captain for letting the Englandshire Branch stay at his house again!
If it has testicles or tyres it's gonna give you trouble!
How silly of me to forget you were an expert at dancing yourself.......why not start dancing at the ferry terminal, i'm sure that'd give everyone a laugh!
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous "How silly of me to forget you were an expert at dancing yourself.......why not start dancing at the ferry terminal, i'm sure that'd give everyone a laugh! "
Ooooops forgot to sign in!
If it has testicles or tyres it's gonna give you trouble!
He always dances like a ferry! Caz Barcelona's great but nobody goes out till nine at nine and they stay up till 4 in the morning unlike Severed Heed so his burd once told me