23,000 members x £20 = £460,000 Enough money to employ no more than 2 wee lassies to run. If anyone wishes to defend the STC, please post your comments in their defence. But where does all this money go?
We have to send a SAE to receive our tickets and any other requests that are sent by post.
Our discount on SFA products are only viable when we purchase through their own site, which is at least 15% more expensive that street shops, so our discount is not worth considering.
They no longer give free badges, ties etc when you first join.
I know of one mate who has sent out 5 applications over the last year and a half with absolutely no reply. This included numerous emails sent by both him and myself.
The Daily Record is spot on. The TAMB board on the other hand seem to think that the STC are above critisism and unfortunately the SFA/STC reads those boards therefore assume they are indeed doing a great job.
STC. Get your act together or do the right thing and do away with the clique all together.
Yes I know some people receive a great service from the STC, which is why I maintain the word "Club" should be replaced with the word "Clique".