I have in my hand the first finished example of our Kilt Pin. I don't think anyone will be dissapointed in the finished article. These wee guys are the dogs bollocks, a true gem and the perfect xmas gift for the footsoldier who has everything.
I could put up a photo but would rather keep you gagging on one. So the rest of the bunch will be with me on Tuesday/Wednesday next week. I have seen other examples of items from Dunnoon of Scotland (Cap Badges, Buckles, Cuff Links etc) and I reckon that we should add another merchandise item from this company after the new year. So if anyone has any preference let me know and I will start the ball rolling. Cheers
Been up tae webmaster’s hoose and seen it. So Tap Shop tartan army who ordered is gonnae be over the moon when they get it and also be proud wearing or showing off the new Tap Shop’s kilt pin too but the other half who dinnae ordered it gonnae be jealous!!..
Would like tae thanks ma brother for his brilliant of the new tap shop's kilt pin.
I will be picking up the Kilt pins tonight. I will drop them off at Stevies house and the committee can distribute them, as they are never out the boozer anyway!!
PS. There is a T-Shirt company in Livi who could easily make new Hoozfura69 t-shirts. I will try and dig out the company info if anyone wants to take responsability of this merchandise item.
It would be good to get someone else involved (outside the committee) so that you can see for yourselves the hassle that is involved when it comes to money collecting at HQ.