Just seen Shane (Pogues for you youngsters) on Frank Skinner, repeated from a couple of weeks back. The man is a walking corpse. F*ckd by drink and drugs. Shaking like a leaf and barely intelligible. Barrowlands gig this month should be a hoot........
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
Have ye no seen half the bawbags in the tapshop before?!
Was at the blink182 gig at the secc last night. They were rockin'! Best of all the crowds age was 16 years old so you could kick crap outta them to get to the front and nobody blocked your view! Sweatiest gig ive been too so far!
As a veteran of over 100 gigs, I reserve the right to abuse those who fail to follow gig etiquette. Myself and Sliver have witnessed the above mentioned Blink 182 and deemed then yesterdays people. Roll on Kasabian at the Barras. Educating Gnasher in good music now
-- Edited by Severed Heed at 14:11, 2004-12-02
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
I remember when the Pogues were the support act to Hipsway. I thought Shane was near death door then!! He was in his mid-twenties but he looked old enought to be Gods dad.