Did you know that the football pitch in Mid Calder has been given to Livingston RUGBY Club? No wonder Scottish football is in a mess, that WAS the only place for kids to play. Fellow TSTA footsoldiers, having spoken to The Chieftain and The Captain last night, we feel it up to us to make a stand and turn up at the council meeting at the Institute Hall on Thursday and show these diddies at the council that they can make us pay oor cooncil tax but they'll never take oor pppppitttttccchhhhheeessss!
Eveyone be there for 7.30 - You've heard of the grey vote etc but time for the tartan vote. Huns, Tims, Jambos and Hibbies unite!
I can confirm that guy above is indeed the real Willie Dunn and he can be emailed at: Willie.Dunn@westlothian.gov.uk or he can be sent a private message via this forum by clicking on his username.
Wullie, thanks for replying. Your reply is greeted with a sigh of relief. I spent my younger days growing up playing football almost every day on that pitch and would wish that the next generation could do the same. That is before I start about the Gala week......
Any move to carry through the suggested move would bring about a serious movement to remove those who proposed such an abomination. Labour may survive in Mid Calder for another election
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
quote: Originally posted by: Willie Dunn "This is mince dunno who told you this pile of tosh but it is untrue!. For info the school pitch is being done up and there are new changing rooms at the school for use of local teams. Please feel free to e-mail me for facts as oppose to myth."
Hi Willie, thanks for putting your post on our club forum. Myself, like most citizens are quite synical when it comes to political/local issues and feel that there is "No smoke without fire". So. If Credit Card can inform us as to where he got his info, then maybe we/you can prevent unessesary questions being raised on Thursday night. I know you are a season ticket holder and love the game as much as any of us on this forum and this issue would be something that would concern you as much as ourselves. Hopefully we can sort this out so that we all can move on and let the game we all appreciate move on with/without us.
No fair to name names but a few community pillars mentioned this on Thursday at TSTA HQ and said that the goalposts were not put up this year and this was the reason. Willie if it's tosh fair dos but what is the real story then? Please put us out our misery as they were pretty riled up for it to be just something about nothing?
Some creative but ultimately fruitless concoctions have been devised in an attempt to get the thatch back. Cleopatra used a mixture of horse teeth, bear grease, burnt mice and deer marrow in her attempt to cure Julius Caesar's baldness (it didn't work). Hedgehog urine was also thought to be beneficial. The smell in the heat of the Egyptian sun must have been something very special!