So Berti has gone, the king is dead, long live the King.
What an effin cheek, blaming his decision on the fans and the press, how about blaming it on the results. what a little weasel of a man to blame everyone else but himself, up until this, I did have a little respect for the guy, but now, well he is just a little effin freak. I wish him nothing but misery for now and for ever, may the fleas of a thousand camels forever nest in his armpits!
A case of beer has 24 cans, a day has 24 hours. Coincidence? I dont think so!
Berti Vogts before ye go I got something tae say tae ye is "good luck in yer future also dinnae forget tae take yer mate Tommy Burn with ye tae Germany and ma one last word isFREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"