I designed and have been using this TSTA Sony K800i theme for a while now and it seems pretty popular (with people who don't even know who the TSTA are), so I thought I would share it with any members out there with a Sony K800 series phone.
The theme will install on the Sony K800i and the K800. Here is a preview of some of the phone screens:
It looks pretty cool when intalled. Download it here: (TSTA Sony Theme) and upload it to your phone via your USB cable or bluetooth dongle and choose it via your menu.
Been using one you did for Gary for his phone (Nokia, I think) for ages now, doesn't quite fit but it was better than nothing. Cannae wait to get this on ma phone now. Cheers laddie.
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
This looks absolute genius - can I ask though, does it work for the SE W810?
Unfortunately no, it is not compatable with the W810. I do have another TSTA theme that I used for my old K750i and I am 90% positive that both phones are identical other than the cases and the walkman addittion. I will dig it out and upload ASAP. It's pretty cool and was done after our victory over France.
Sorry mate. Don't have the Nokia software to test out theme compatability. The themes actually take about two-three hours to complete, so I am sticking to themes that I have either designed in the past for the K750i, W800i (my old phones) or my present phone. A basic theme consists of about 50 images, that I design front end up. Long gone are the days of simple Nokia Logos that could be shipped out within minutes. Why does life get so complicated!!!! Modern technology is designed to make our life easier.............I must leave technology alone, I must leave technology alone.....
Deek I cannot find the theme anywhere. I built a new pc a few months ago and binned everything on the old one. I know that Ian Baird uses the theme and it should work on your phone. If you see Ian, ask him to bluetooth the theme to your phone.
I still have a few discs and memory sticks to check,but I think it's been deleted.