So the SFA have no option but to let Berti stay in his post until his contract runs out. It seems that financialy, they can't afford to pay the compensation required to fire the wee man, so it's business as usual..........
Should the SFA pay whatever it takes. They are afterall the guilty ones that moved heaven and earth to get him?
Should Berti accept100% blame for the results and therefore resign, thus stating to the football world he is a failure?
If it was me. I would hold out for what is rightfully mine. The Scotland job is the kiss of death and as Alex Ferguson said earlier this week to a Scottish Reporter when asked if would he consider the Scotland post..."You've got to be kidding"....yep, and so are the SFA if they think that Berti should accept the blame for having the impossible task of trying to make Mongrels compete with Pedigrees on the international stage.
Stated before, man for man, we are no worse than Wales. If we cannot even approach what Wales have achieved in the last four years then the manager should put the lights out and shut the door on his way out
If the SFA cannot "afford" to sack him, they should bear in mind the lost revenue when the Tartan Army start to drift away. 52,000 at Norway game. if it was played next week, we would get 22,000. 30,000 lost at £15 a ticket is £450,000. What is Berties pay off?
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
SFA chief executive David Taylor whit are ye playing at why nae ye pay the b**tard and then walk away your job as well. (He was the man who brought Berti Vogts tae the Scotland job)
quote: Originally posted by: Severed Heed "Stated before, man for man, we are no worse than Wales. If we cannot even approach what Wales have achieved in the last four years ..........."
Severed my good man. What have Wales actually acheived in the last four years? Did they qualify for some tournament that no one knew about? Wales have only won 6 of their last 26 games. The very reason the Blackburn fans asked "why Mark Hughes" when he was appointed manager. Yes Wales beat us but ever team does that, it's not hard.
If we are going to make steps in the right direction, then I would rather not use a country of Valley Singing, Leek Munching nobodies as a bench mark.