Whit time are ye all planning tae go up for the EASTA dinner dance on 6th November because Zico talking aboot ten in the morning and anybody else fancy that.
Who says your getting a lift from me bald boy .No bobbo's traviling with me ,and what are you on about morris? you are the soup drinker remember and take your alarm so that you wake up when you get there and actually go to the dance . Mind you you could always sleep in the car an miss it like you did the football.Think of the money you will save
quote: Originally posted by: zico gilmour "Mind you you could always sleep in the car an miss it like you did the football.Think of the money you will save "
Look here Zico, I will stay awake. I'll have tae or you'll nae doobt scoff ma scran
Remember Zico it's a marathon not a sprint and I don't want to see you off tae your room at eight like Action Man last year!
quote: Originally posted by: Credit Card " Remember Zico it's a marathon not a sprint and I don't want to see you off tae your room at eight like Action Man last year!"
Steady Mr Morris dont put me in the same quote as action man.Remember the only action he saw was the inside of his room. And as for you Bobbo Baldy what time were you in bed on Satya fud after leaving the tap shop on Sat.TeaTime like a burst balloon. ya soup drinking baxter boy
He wanted to go with you but he cant. Cos you and your bald mate Jack alias Robin are in a room together.Just imagine when you two are lying in bed together,if someone comes in the room and sees your two bald domes together,they will think its a big arse sticking out from the coversbut how wrong will they be cos it will actually be two arses.