The editor of the Wales fanzine called 'The Dragon Has Landed' has informed us that he will be producing a fanzine for the Scotland game. 20% of sales to Scottish fans will be donated to The Sunshine Appeal appeal.
If anyone is interested please email Ian Baird , post your request for one on this thread or look out for a possible name list at HQ.
The fanzines are £1 plus postage and will be ready in the first week in February, well before the game. The TSTA will also get a mention in the fanzine.
The fanzine is 64 pages
Full colour cover
Contains information on both Wales and Scotland
Includes fans stories of both countries, especially in 85 and 78 games
Player statistics
Past match reports etc etc.
Sounds better than the match day programme (and probably half the price) Fanzines are more geared towards the football fan 'cos it's produced by like-minded people.
Hmm. Like minded people? Maybe I shouldn't bother then. The paper is probably sorced from some Vietnamese child labour camp. When you are 8 you don't know right from wrong and you cry when your ribs break but not when you hit the wall and the air comes out. The police should sort out those places.
Joining the police is good because you get to keep all of the violent criminals off the streets and protect children and cars and dogs. You can arrest people but not kiss the girls. You can stop people and ask about their socks and you can look at the socks but even the police cannot bite the socks while they are on the persons feet.
I am not Father Christmas
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man