Good to see gazza's photo post is allowed to remain on the forum ?Where as the photo I posted was very quickly removed .Correct me if I am wrong but I am sure it says where you log on,and I quote (NO POSTS WILL BE DELETED) or is that only with ref. to non members of the Boyle family.
The reason that your one was deleted was this. The picture was only available on your PC. No one else could see it. The path of the photo was your "My Documents" folder. I went in to correct the Photo so that it was available for everyone but as I said, it is your own photo and not available online. Unless the photo is on the internet, no-one else can view it.
Hope this makes sense. No post will be delteted but if the main reason for the post is a photo, and the photo is not there, there seems little point in it remaining. I initially went in to edit the HTML tag so that the photo would be seen, I would never have deleted it otherwise.
For an example: The photo below is of a sword. I can see it, but I can guarantee that no-one else can. The photo is in my PC not the internet. So there for my PC will display it and no-one elses. All that you will see is a box with a small cross in it. This is because you cannot copy and past from your PC onto the internet. You will have to upload your photo onto a online photo site and copy the image from there.
I will again assure everyone, that no post will be deleted. (unless the post makes the poster look like a baw bag )
All image paths need to be http://www.wherever....(internet related).... yours was file:///C:/Documents%20and%....