Well Gnasher, ye got tae see Scotlands first away goal, but it disnae count for ye pal, because it was an own goal so ye are still waiting for Scotland's first away goal tae come mate sorry.Was it ye that pulled the light switch oot, or was it the Spanish nae paying their electricity bill!!............. Anyway enjoy yer holiday mate and dinnae get tae ****ed.
Reports filtering through from Valencia state that Mr Maloy was not in the stadium. He was found with his finger in the electric socket in his hotel room.
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man
Sorry to **** on Gnashers party but beacause the game only lasted 59 mins, it has been erased from the records. No game, no caps, no bookings, NO GOALS!!!!!!!!
Barry George is an innocent man Sean Hodgson is an innocent man